Chapter Thirty-four

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When Professor Vasiliou returned to the living room she carried what appeared to be a late model laptop computer-thin and light weight. It was already running on battery power and open to an email program.

"Oh my gosh. What's that for?"

"You had told me you wanted to meet some real Amazons earlier. Remember?

"Yeah . . . but. . ."

"Well, earlier I contacted a few. And they'll be sending you messages this evening through this email."

Daniela was speechless.

"The account here is now yours, Daniela. I think you'll find the information they share with you very . . . liberating . . . toward that freedom you want."

Daniela only blinked her eyes in confusion a the professor placed the computer on the coffee table in front of her.

"This will be your own account while you're in contact with them. It can naturally be from where ever you are in the world. And there's no obligation to keep it if you choose not to."

"Gosh. I don't know what to say . . . Nefeli . . ."

She was truly astonished by the strange offer.

"You may use this computer as long as you are here. It works perfectly upstairs in your room or anywhere in the house. I took the liberty to give you this username."

Daniela could see typed into the username box: Anaea_4356.

Below that, in the password cell was another strange code.

"You see . . . Anaea is an ancient Amazon name taken from Greek literature and myth. Her name meant 'rising up.' She was a young woman warrior for whom a city was named near Karia on the Anatolian Peninsula of Turkey. It was home to the Amazons and located across from the Greek island of Samos. It was also the goddess Hera's sacred island."

"I . . . I'm just . . ."

"Don't be. The number 4356 is how many other women have adopted this name in our society at the present time. You are the latest if you wish to join us and keep it."

"Wow. . ."

"There are of course other Amazon names with many other numbers attached to them. Our organization is expanding all the time.

Daniela just stared at the name on the illuminated screen.

You see, Daniela, these are women, just like you, who wanted to come into the light of independence and do something important with their lives. And historically, many have done so secretly. Each day in their own way these women put their energies and talents to work. The sisterhood focuses on many issues which affect the well-being and rights of females all over the world. We all work in concert to make these necessary changes for women . . . and the effects are just now emerging and being recognized finally. All over the world. Even as we speak."

Daniela was speechless again. She felt a bit dizzy with excitement.

The professor took a step back from her and left the computer open on the table.

"Read the messages they've sent you, Daniela. There's no obligation for you to become involved, but I want you to just read their words tonight."

The professor placed a hand warmly on Daniela's shoulder, then left her alone, returning back up the stairs, presumably to her office for the evening.

Daniela was in disbelief as she leaned closer to the table and peered onto the email page before her. She could see that, indeed, her name was, at least for now Anaea_4356. She could also see as she hesitatingly clicked the mouse on the "In box," that she already had several emails since earlier that day, when Professor Vasiliou had obviously notified these individuals.

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