Our first kiss

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(Y/n) Pov

I was in his house extremely nervous and embarrassed. My ankle was more better now. Then Kakashi said that he will prepare me ramen if I take his mask off??? Is he crazy, I will never take his mask off but I can try.

"Fine, I will expect your challenge" I stood up almost without pain. I took down the ice that was on my ankle and came to him.

"I see your ankle is now better but you will still never take my mask off" How are you wrong Kakashi, I have a perfect idea for this challenge. I will play that I'm in love with him it would be cruel, but would be worth it because I want my ramen 🍜 from him.

I came to him closer and hugged him from behind, he asked in his sweet talking way "What are you doing?" still focus on his cooking.

"Nothing just hugging you" I said and he tends up his muscles because my hands were on his six-pack. I didn't stop I trailed with my hands on his six-pack up and down and felt extremely embarrassed and it was worst because he didn't protest.

I trailed with my hands up on his body reaching his face but I had to be squeezed to his body a lot and because he was tall and I take his mask but hesitate for moment but then I take it down with my eye closed so I can't see his face.
Kakashi pov

She really take my mask off but she doesn't know that I have two mask on myself, hi, hi. I will make her ramen but she didn't notice one thing that she had her breast squeezed to my body and that's why I tends up. She is sometimes really stupid I must say, but that's why she is so fun and if she noticed that I'm a pervert she will eventually kill me.

"(Y/n) can you please get off me I'm cooking your ramen and mine too." She get off me quickly red like tomato running to sofa. She sit down on a sofa looking at the floor. I was red but not as much as (y/n).

"And I had a second mask (y/n), so don't worry you won't see my face" I lightly laughed at her frustrated face that was so cute that I almost want to touch it but I focus on my cooking instead.

"You are mean to me and arrogant" That hurt but she sounds so cute when she speaks like that flustered and angry and she was short so it didn't help much either. I tried not to laugh and I didn't laugh.

"It's just so funny to tease you and the ramen is almost ready," what am I saying, am I not accidentally the cool copy ninja Hatake Kakashi or the Kakashi of the Sharingan or something like that.

She then came to me and stood in front of me staring at my face. I had over my left eye hair hanging down, she removed my hair from that eye. I had closed my eye so Sharingan was covered. "You have sharingan right" I nodded "can you show it to me" I was surprised by her question but she only see Sasuke sharingan in a battle not to clearly and I would be curious to if someone who I must marry had something like that too.

"I don't know, I only use it in a battle because it's dangerous and it really drains my chakra too."I said apologizing to her that I can't show.

"I know but just the eye you don't have to use it" she said and I sighed and nodded.

"If you insist,–––Sharingan!" I opened my eye and there was visible my sharingan and she gasped.

"Amazing, and what you can see with it?" I closed my eye and started explaining.

"I can see how my opponent will do his next move and my specialty is coping others techniques I know 1000 jutsus with my sharingan and my created jutsu with sharingan is chidory it's lightning blade that cut lighting itself, it's my most favourite ju––tsu,  what was that for" she hit me with a pan to my face when was talking how amazing I'm, wait no I'm not amazing or perfect, I let my comrades die I'm worst than scam.

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