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Warning lemon scene 🍋 so if you are uncomfortable with it don't read it.

(y/n) pov

When he disappeared I looked at my hand and there was a ring with a big diamond and I couldn't just believe it, he gave me the engagement ring. I was so happy that someone really wants me in their life, who I will see tomorrow. I couldn't wait to see him and gave him a kiss on his lips maybe a little make out session so I kissed the ring, because I was so happy that I will marry this person soon.

'(Y/n) Hatake that doesn't sound bad at all. I have to go to my father and tell him everything but not everything just what was ordered to the wedding that would be annoying'

When I get out of my room I bumped into the photographer and journalist Sukea. "Ouch," I fell on my butt and growled out of pain.

"Oh, (y/n), right. I will help you, don't worry." He helped me get on my feet and I looked at him he was still quite attractive but I saw that face somewhere else that made me suspicious.

"It's ok you're Sukea don't you. I think I saw your face in somewhere else than here, I'm sure of it." I noticed that he sweat dropped a little.

"I think we don't saw each other anywhere than here," He said laughing nervously and I think I know who he was but I was not sure so I play along with Kakashi game because I noticed the same beauty mark that have Kashi.

"Hmm... Ok I will believe you we didn't see each other anywhere other than here. What are you here for?" I asked he started explaining something I didn't listen to, I was angry at him that he use this to manipulate me and I really thought that it was some dude who was journalist.

"I wanted to ask you what do you think about your soon-to-be husband I heard the news and I started freaking out that you must marry someone who don't even know it's really terrible what they did just for some tradition." He said and I had a perfect plan to discover him.

"He is actually a good guy, a gentleman and really handsome and attractive he is obsessed about same books as I so it made him more attractive to me and I think I found a soulmate and he give me this beautiful ring he is so amazing but I don't know if he really likes me back or do this like his mission I really don't know because he is a perfect ninja," I said a little sad but smirked at him.

"Oh, really I didn't know that you were so happy with him, my bad because I thought that you were interested in me at first what happened  (y/n)" he played it cool and I give a hint that I know.

"I'm still interested in you Sukea or should I say Kashi, hi hi. If you excuse me I have a meeting with my father and I really like that ring bye," I said sprinting to my father's office and when I was there I sighed with relief and sat infront of my father.

"Hello father, I'm here to tell you what we ordered to our wedding so you don't have to do it, first we ordered flowers and a wedding dress and tomorrow we will get food that's all can I leave now." I said hoping he would say yes but eventually he said something else.

"(Y/n) I have something important to tell you the wedding would be on a next Saturday and we already have everything arranged so you don't have to worry about anything just tell me the address where you two choose clothes and flowers and I will get them and you need rest so you better be in bed now ok, you can go." I stood up and left the office. Wait the minute next Saturday that so soon I didn't realise that it was that soon, I was now really nervous. But I suppose that Kashi listen everything. He then jumped of the roof and went next to me.

"You heard everything, right" he nodded he wasn't a Sukea now and I sighed "and what do you think about it? That we are getting married next Saturday," I asked and he for a moment was finding a good words to put in.

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