Ichiraku ramen

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Kakashi pov

We went to Ichiraku ramen ahead of them but I had different plans with (y/n). Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned because somehow Lee managed to stand up and follow us with Guy.

"How do you have so much energy Kakashi sensei?" Lee asked out of breath and I was feeling okay I don't know why everyone was so tired but I still wanted them to be jealous of me so I said...

"Because I have a wife and she charged my energy, I think that's why." I smiled at Lee and squeezed (y/n) hand a little. Guy heard it and Lee started thinking about it.

"Oh I see now, that's why only you have energy and we don't have," Guy said but I was still angry at them because they ruined my plan that I with (y/n) run away from them and enjoy little fun together.

"Yes, I suppose, but you two don't want to pay me for your ramen? Because if you do you better get ahead of me and I will go slowly. You two have a chance, these others in the back don't have a chance I think." When they heard it, they looked suspicious of me but started running because that was an offer they couldn't refuse. I forgot about the plan because (y/n) was hungry.

We went to Ichiraku ramen and I started thinking about how I'm starting to be obsessed about (y/n)!? That wasn't healthy at all and then she would blame me that I'm overprotective of her, that is bad I need to calm my hormones down if I don't then it would end really bad between us.

"Kashi is something wrong, you are thinking about something, you can tell me anything, you know." She said then I looked at her she was just too beautiful for I almost feel like I don't deserve her but I think that every guy is like that when they meet a beautiful woman who loves them. But I still could apologise to her for jumping at her on the second day we met each other.

"I'm just thinking about the other night and I'm really sorry for what I did, you wanted to stop and I didn't listen, I'm so sorry. I will make it up to you and I will never do anything like that again, I promise." Now it was my turn to blush and she obviously blushed too but we still hold each other's hand.

"You don't have to apologise, I forgave you and I know that you are a pervert and just when you see a beautiful woman like me then you can't resist her and your hormones are crazy of me so there is another reason." She really has a good choice of words (sarcastic meaning). How can she call me a pervert I'm her husband but it's actually true so I have to keep my hormones under control.

"First you won't call me a pervert that would be a forbidden word ok, second I will keep my hormones under control and third you are not beautiful but gorgeous and no I can't resist you." I said jokingly and not seriously but I mean it what I said. She laughed a little at the end of sentence. We continued walking and she said.

"That's so sweet Kashi, maybe we could just take things slowly and see where it goes, what about that." She said shyly and probably thinking that I would disagree with her but I like to take slow so I nodded my head and said.

"I agree with you, I let myself carry off and you see how it ends, not too good and I've never been in love with someone so it's new for me these emotions and other stuff." I was talking to her and didn't even notice that Naruto, Sasuke, Neji and Tenten were already walking behind us and listening to this conversation. (Y/n) was amazed by my words so she hugged me and I hugged her back but these four were watching us and didn't even try to hide themselves.

(Y/n) tried to then reach my mask to kiss me because she probably didn't notice them so I grabbed her hand and pointed at them and then she completely blushed. She was adorable at that moment but I was quick enough to hide her face in my chest in front of others.

"If you four tell someone what you heard, I won't be teaching you any longer and Sasuke and Naruto after the lunch pack your things and went to my apartment because of a mission we have, understood." I said in a demanding voice they nodded and all four of them started running to Ichiraku giggling probably.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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