The engagement ring

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Kakashi pov
I woke up in a morning, I wasn't too drunk yesterday but I feel like I did some terrible things. I will soon find out so I opened my eyes and was met by by tha sleeping beauty next to me. I realised that today I didn't have any nightmares and sleeping beauty next to me was so adorable to leave the bed so I stayed and cuddled with her.

For a few minutes I cuddle with her but then I remembered that I have a training with my students and we must make these invitations too. I didn't give a fuck about my students now I just wanted to be there with her cuddling, nothing else. It is early in morning I will definitely not wake her up.

An hour later she started opening her eyes. I still had her in my grip. I don't want her to freak out that we slept together so I silently got out of bed it was hard to let go but I eventually let her go.

"Good morning (y/n), you can sleep I will make breakfast ok" she nodded in her sleep. She was so adorable when she did that so I chuckled. She immediately opened her eyes wide open and looked at me.

"Good morning Kashi" she was thinking about something then she stood up. "You don't have training with your students, don't you?" So I answered.

"Yes I have, but they will train on their own we could join them later if you want. We must do invitations first." She nodded and lay down on bed and I went to the kitchen do a pancakes.

When pancakes were ready she came to me automatically and we ate together the pancakes. "This is delicious Kashi" she said and I thought in my head 'not like me.....snap out of Kakashi you are pervert but this is too much' "What are you thinking?"she asked me.

"Nothing really, it's nothing" I lied and she just said ok and let me be. I tried to think about what we were doing yesterday but I don't know how much we played the game and I was certainly drunk, then we went together to sleep maybe I don't know so I just asked her maybe my memories will come back.

"Hey, can I ask you what we were doing yesterday because I don't remember much. I probably drank a lot, right." l awkwardly laughed and she turned blushing red like a tomato.

"I saw...your face and.......we-we ki-ssed" she looked at the floor. My memories flying back to me and I was surprised maybe a little shocked that I made her do it. When I'm drunk, it doesn't seem that I'm drunk but my actions are proof that I'm drunk, so you get me right.

"I'm so sorry what I did, I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing, I'm sorry." I looked at the floor too and I was ashamed what I did.

"No don't be sorry, you remember what I told you yesterday about the bandits kidnapping me it was you, who saved me so I'm grateful to you" She smiled at me with a little blush on her cheeks. I remember now, she was my first kiss and why didn't I have my mask on that mission still don't know.

"Oh yes you were my first kiss now I remember, so why don't we go to the stationary to buy everything and get the invitations ok" She nodded and were on the the way.

We buy everything together. Then we left the store and I feel someone is following us because their chakra wasn't even hidden. I know immediately who it was, my three students. I think they were pissed because their chakra was flowing in air especially Naruto's. They jumped in front of us.

"Sensei first you were late and now you don't even show up, datebayo!" Naruto yelled at me and I must quickly answered.

"I planned to join you guys in the afternoon, if you want, you can help with invitations for the wedding but I think you will rather be training now," Sasuke wanted to leave but Naruto with Sakura drag him with them they wanted to help me.

"You could just ask sensei and we would help you," Sakura said I was surprised by that answer for a while. Then Sakura grabbed (y/n) hand and dragged her with her to the end of row and Naruto was with me ahead of them. I turn to (y/n) immediately.

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