My sweet little angel

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Monday morning I woke up to find myself still naked and Kashi's head still lying between my breasts. I didn't know what I could do to not wake him up, so I just lay down. But then I remembered that he had training at 8 AM so I tried to wake him up.

"Kashi it's already 7:30 and you have practice at 8:00 so you have to go, Kashi be a good boy and wake up." I tried to wake him up with words but he didn't move an inch so I tried to gently slide my hands into his hair and traced my fingers in it.

"Good morning to you (y/n) how did you sleep, I slept amazingly, I didn't wake up this time." Then he noticed that I was naked and he had no shirt or mask and that he had to go to practice.

"Kashi, you need to shower and so do I. We better get out of bed and get dressed, you don't want to go to practice without a mask." I was holding his mask and now he was getting out of bed and I could feel how warm from my body was gone now.

"I have a lot of masks so don't worry about me not having a mask and what do you want for breakfast, I could make an omelette or anything else you choose." He looked at my exposed body, so I covered it up with sheets on a bed.

"The omelette is fine Kashi, thank you" I smiled and he started making the omelette. I grabbed some clothes and I was still naked, so of course Kashi was looking at me because he was a pervert, but I got him every boy or man is in some way a pervert.

I shower and dress in shorts and a T-shirt. I came out and Kashi was still shirtless and maskless and it was already 7:45. "Kashi go take a shower and I will finish cooking." I said he went to me, took my chin in his big hands that were scared.

"I just remembered it's your turn today ok love." He said it on purpose, but I was still red as a tomato, then he kissed me on the lips, I kissed him back and he went to the bathroom.

I finished cooking and put the plates on the table, then I prepared the food on the plates and Kashi left the bathroom wearing only a towel!!! I immediately looked away, almost bleeding from my nose.

"What's wrong, beautiful, like what you see." he teased me for the second time this morning I can't believe him he has training with his students and he didn't give a damn about it.

"Get dressed, you must get on time for that training," I said little mad and he noticed so he did as I told him and then ate his breakfast and so did I. He was wearing Junin's vest and baggy pants that made his butt look cuter I think.

"But we have to go to the Hokage this morning, you know right." I completely forgot we had to go to Hokage, but I tried to play it cool.

"Of course, I didn't forget. Now we can go Kashi, so let's go." We left the apartment and he locked it. We were walking down the street, then out of nowhere his three students appeared and Kashi didn't even notice them, because he was wearing his mask so I couldn't see his expression so clearly.

"Kakashi sensei where are you going datebayo?" Naruto asked and everyone nodded that the question was a good one.

"I have to go see the Hokage because yesterday (y/n) was almost kidnapped but I was there so it didn't happen." I grabbed his hand because I felt scared that someone was trying to kidnaped or in the worst case kill.

"Why anyone would want to kidnap (y/n) is beyond me." Sakura joined the conversation and Sasuke replayed her.

"Because she's from a rich clan, she's the elder daughter of the head and they want her for money, that's always the case, Sakura."

We arrived at the Hokage's office, it was nice, I had never been there before. Kakashi began to speak. "I apologize Lady Hokage for interrupting but (y/n) was almost kidnapped last night but I was there

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