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Summary - set while Mia is covering during Majorie and Reece's holiday, before she was fired. Charlotte can't stop thinking about her.

"Do you know Charlotte, out of everyone here, you are definitely my favourite. You're so cute." Mia's eyes glistened mischievously.

Charlotte could feel that her heart was racing. Mia thought she was cute? No...surely she was just trying to wind Charlotte up? Not that she cared, why would she care if Mia thought she was cute?

"Well, I'm not being cute for you." Charlotte stuttered. Brilliant, great comeback dummy...she groaned inwardly as the red head tilted her head, simply replying, "sure" before stalking off.

Charlotte watched as she walked away, allowing her gaze to follow Mia's curves. Why did she have to be so attractive? Charlotte had always admired other women's bodies, it seemed totally natural to her. Was she just acknowledging that Mia was a beautiful woman? Charlotte wasn't so sure, seeing as she couldn't stop thinking about the way Mia's breasts had looked earlier as she leaned over slightly to tease the brunette.

She and her husband had married fairly young and over the years they had both changed so much. They still loved and respected each other but for a few years now, they both knew the romance had died. They had tried to make it work but they just didn't fit together anymore. She still hadn't told anyone despite the fact that he had finally moved out. Charlotte felt like a failure and although she knew they had made the right decision, she wasn't so sure others would see it that way.

Despite the lack of physical intimacy during the past few years, suddenly being the only adult in her household had made her feel incredibly lonely. On the nights the girls were with their Dad, she couldn't bear the silence. She longed to connect with someone - it wasn't just about sex, more than anything she wanted to feel someone's arms wrapped around her, it had been so long.

Over the next few days as Mia continued to flirt with her Charlotte felt increasingly frustrated. The temporary deputy manager was awful, upsetting parents and staff left right and centre. With Charlotte though, she was playful, gentle even. The brunette knew she shouldn't feel drawn to Mia, she wanted to hate her. More than that though, she wanted to get close to her. She often found herself watching the red head absentmindedly, daydreaming about how soft her skin would feel. She began to create ridiculous scenarios in her head, mostly involving Mia pinning her against walls, allowing Charlottes hands to explore wherever she wanted. Every fantasy always ended the same though - with Mia's arms wrapped around her, gently stroking her back and telling her "It's okay Sweetheart."

Every night as she tried to fall asleep, Charlotte was plagued by flashes of red hair and starry eyes. She would constantly replay the moment her hand had brushed against Mia's accidentally as she handed her a permission slip. Her skin was just as soft as Charlotte had expected, and she wished so desperately to feel those hands pressed against her body.

Charlotte knew there was good in Mia. Everyone had always said that Charlotte brought out the best in others - could she bring out the best in Mia? Gut instinct usually steered her well in life, and it was telling her to try. Someone like Mia never did things by halves, and if someone like her could love Charlotte, the brunette knew it must mean she was worth something.

She would continue to fight her feelings, because she was scared. But every evening she would wonder if she'd accidentally found the missing puzzle peace.

She imagined being brave enough to meet Mia in the middle - they both needed to be more like the other and less like themselves.

But she wasn't brave.

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