Summary - Charlotte brings Mia to a girls night out.
Charlotte still wasn't so sure this was a good idea. Mia had been (mostly) on her best behaviour recently which had allowed previous tensions to cool considerably. When Marjorie had suggested a girls night out, she hesitantly told Charlotte she could invite Mia "if she wanted". The brunette had text her girlfriend to tell her, fully expecting an extremely sarcastic no. When the red head replied that it sounded like fun Charlotte nearly fainted.
As she finished getting ready Mia walked into the room and asked "ready to go?"
"Yes. Mia please be nice tonight." Charlotte replied.
"Sweetheart I've put my claws away just for you. Don't worry." Mia flashed that winning smile and with that, she took Charlottes hand and lead her outside where the taxi driver was waiting for them.
They were last to arrive - Marjorie, Autumn and Sorcha were already there. Charlottes heart was pounding as they approached the table and sat down.
"Hello my...darling....s" Marjorie was very clearly only going to initially address Charlotte like that. It seemed she realised that might be a bit rude at the last second, so she added the s to include Mia. This was potentially going to be a very long night. Autumn smirked, impressed that Marjorie had managed to make things awkward within 5 seconds flat.
As the night continued and the drinks flowed, the women chatted about various subjects. Charlotte was happy to see the others relaxing around her girlfriend - they even seemed to find her amusing. The conversation eventually landed on the topic of sex, and more specifically sex with women.
"Oh my god, I'm the only one at this table who's never been with a woman! Clearly I should have branched out in my twenties." Marjorie was drunk. She started giggling to herself "I love it when women hit on me, it's a much bigger compliment than a man doing it." She suddenly gasped and said "DO NOT tell Reece I said that."
Autumn piped up and replied "maybe you could ask him for a one night only threesome experience. I'm sure he wouldn't say no." She looked at Mia as she said this, to which the red head laughed.
"I don't think that's really my thing to be honest Autumn. To be fair, I get enough information about of all of your sex lives, I might as well have experienced it anyway."
Mia hadn't really said much for a while - she and Sorcha in particular had mostly listened in amazement as Marjorie babbled on. It was quite cute really, the red head thought. She was feeling quite drunk, she'd not eaten much that day and these gin and tonics had gone straight to her head. She was intrigued by Marjorie's confession.
"If you had to date a woman, what would your type be?" Mia asked, looking at Marjorie.
By this point the nursery manager was so sloshed she didn't even register that it was her once sworn enemy who had asked. "Oh you know feisty, pretty, flirty. Probably someone who takes the lead."
Sorcha laughed and nudged Charlotte "looks like you've got some competition." The brunette laughed back in response, and imagined for a second if Mia and Marjorie (in some parallel universe) dated. She predicted the nursery and both of their homes would be on fire within 24 hours.
"Well as you know I've only got eyes for Charlotte. But I wouldn't say no, you know if I met you in a bar." Mia winked at Marjorie, causing the younger woman's jaw to drop. This reaction made Charlotte burst out laughing. She didn't care about Mia's comment, she knew she didn't actually fancy Marjorie, she was just saying she was an attractive woman. Marjorie deserved to feel desirable.
"Wait...what?" Marjorie managed to splutter. Mia was paying her a compliment?
The red head laughed and looked directly into Marjorie's eyes, staring right into her soul. God this woman gave Autumn a run for her money.
"Marjorie, do I have to spell it out for you? I think you're fit."