Chapter 23

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That evening, no matter how slow Lakshya was to unlock the door, Shreya did not come out. In the end he unlocked it himself. Not liking this change, he looked for her. He found her sleeping in the guest room. He sighed.

Next morning they both had their breakfast at the same table at the same time, but in complete silence. Somehow Lakshya thought the silence now was more silent.

At the office, his senior became the team lead. "You don't seem happy at all," he said.

Lakshya turned his eyes to him. He wanted to say that he was right. But he adjusted his mood and gave his senior a smile. "Of course, not! The whole team is happy. We are all looking forward to completing this project under you."

This time the senior scowled. That statement was so insincere. He had asked just about Lakshya, not about the whole team. He glared and left.

Lakshya's mind was back to thinking what might have happened that made Shreya cry so much. He had seen her angry before. It was when she ran out of the coffee shop when he tried to get her to refuse the marriage. He had seen her sad before, on multiple occasions. She was the most sad on the morning of their first night. But she had not cried. She may have. But even if she did, it was nowhere near how she might have cried the day before yesterday.

He sighed.

His phone screen lit up. It was a text from Shreya. For a moment he was bewildered. What did she text?

'I have reached and found your friends.'

He checked the time and it was past noon on Wednesday. The important meeting he could not miss was his senior's promotion. He had to leave right after, but he completely forgot.

He hurried to the venue.


There he found a boisterous group. Rather a boisterous birthday boy among his friends.

Shreya was present too, in a corner. Deepak was beside her.

After greeting them all and wishing Utpal a happy birthday, he sat beside Shreya.

Not even five minutes went by when another guest showed up.


When Lakshya saw her, his first instinct was to turn to Shreya. Shreya seemed to be rather detached from whatever was going on. She had not even realised Moksha was there.

Lakshya then looked at Utpal, who had a playful smirk as he looked at him.

Laksya whipped out his phone.

'How can you invite her after asking me to bring Shreya?'

'When did I ask? You said you'd bring her.'

'Knowing I would bring her, why did you still call Moksha?'

Utpal replied with a smirking face.

Lakshya glared at him. Utpal was just too much sometimes.

Deepak had an idea of what went down from their exchanges. He did not really like this chap, but because of Lakshya, he remained friends with Utpal, even if both knew they were just friends for name sake.

"You're finally here, Moksha!"

"Happy Birthday." Moksha smiled.

Utpal was rather excited to speak to her this time. Before, he had never invited her. She would tag along with Lakshya.

Moksha found Lakshya but she averted her eyes. They had not spoken since the day she pushed him away at the park.

She soon loosened up with Utpal's constant inquiries about her.

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