Chapter 26

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Ever since she walked out of the park that fateful evening, Moksha smiled little. In all honesty, that day she wanted to break up with Lakshya. But after sitting alone with her thoughts that day, she could not get herself to do it.

Later on when they did meet that day, she did not know what came over her. She had cried in his arms and then... she pushed him when he tried to kiss. That had never happened before. She knew he would be completely angered and upset.

She actively avoided him until the birthday party.

There, she almost could not believe her eyes.

Lakshya was considerate towards Shreya. He put in quite some effort for her. He almost looked like he was scared to upset her, something she did not remember ever happening before. She still remembered how he had softly tugged on Shreya's handbag.

But when Utpal taunted Shreya, he did not stop it right away, but only said anything when it went too far. That was when her doubts settled. They were not on absolutely good terms.

She did not know exactly what their current situation was. She knew that Lakshya had already told Shreya about her before the marriage. But what did it mean to even bring Shreya along and not her. Even if they fought, he should not have brought her.

In all of this mess, if there was one undeniable truth, then it was the fact that she missed him. Theirs was a four year long entanglement. They had poured in all the feelings of their youth. Every night she scrolled through old messages. She would type in a 'hi' and then pause, delete everything and exit the app.

Sometimes sitting in the office with no pressing work would prompt her to open those messages.

She typed in 'hi' again. But what should she say after that? She deleted it and put her phone away.

When she looked up, she thought she saw Lakshya. How bad was her love sickness getting?

"Moksha, hi." Lakshya greeted her.

She was still in a daze.

"Are you done with work?"

Moksha finally understood Lakshya was standing in front of her in reality. Did he come to drop her off?

"Hi... yeah."

"Let's go for a coffee."

Moksha followed him.

Few minutes later they were in the break room. She definitely did not think of this place. She honestly thought that his anger had come down and that he was asking her out on a date to probably ask her if he had given her enough time and then drop her home.

"What do you want?"


Lakshya returned with a cup of coffee after 5 minutes.

"I made it the way I usually make it."

Moksha remained silent. In the past, she was the one to enthusiastically make him coffee. This was one of the rare times he made it for her.

She sipped it. She guessed he did not pay any attention all of those times when she pressed the machine. That had been the case indeed. He would be on his phone standing right next to her and she smiled watching him.

Why state it though? Was he trying to make it clear that he did not know how she made their coffee? He was purposefully distancing himself, she understood.

"I like it."

Lakshya sat in front of her.

Moksha waited for him to say what he had to. She watched him fiddle with his phone impatiently sometimes. He was slightly getting mad at whoever was perhaps messaging him. But he was not replying.

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