Chapter 31

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Shreya knew of her weakness since her college days. If there was one thing wrong with her, it was her stamina. She got tired too easily.

She let go of the fabric she was held on to.

She would go back slower. She would not get lost though, since her phone was charged to full and the signal was great.

"Can you hurry up a little?" She heard all of a sudden.

Shreya looked up, startled. She replayed what she had just heard. He sounded frustrated. Was she really asking too much?

Before she was married, it was never a question of asking too much, but if something could even be brought up. It was definitely better now. She should be happier, but no, she wasn't.

She picked up her pace. She did not want to give up and cry before him. After all, she had longed for an opportunity to take a leisure stroll like this.

When she reached him, he was much more patient than she expected. "Shreya, are you alright?"

The display of concern surprised her.

"Yeah. I just get tired easily," she said and gave a nervous laugh.

"Then tell me when you get tired."

She felt embarrassed. "It's fine! I won't get lost..."

Lakshya stared blankly at her mouth. What was she saying?

She added, "Nothing will happen to me."

He decided not to argue with her lest he should utter any nonsense.


The next day was reserved for smaller temples nearby. Shreya woke Lakshya up again this morning and once again they were walking on the smooth roads atop the hill. This time Lakshya and Shreya were leading the rest.

Shreya still seemed dazed like the day before and even unsettled, with a stuffy face. She wasn't watching her step carefully.

"You okay?"

She was startled. Not a very rare occurrence these days. Something which frustrated him.

"I'm okay."

But shortly afterwards, she asked him if he could walk on the valley side instead.

He looked at her for a moment before shifting places. "Vehicles are zooming. Be careful."

Shreya took her chance and clutched his sleeve.

Lakshya quickly turned to look back. His sister and brother-in-law were busy with Akshita, who was throwing tantrums, tiring them out.

He gazed at Shreya and she didn't look much better.

Shreya felt her grasp fill with void, but soon a hand clutched hers in a death grip. Shreya looked up at him surprised.

"What!" he barked. He was more flustered than he was mad. Shreya's unusual mood seemed to affect him too. "They can see us, so can you act normal?"

Shreya beamed. "This is normal."

"I'll explain when we get back!" he hissed.

Shreya could care less at this point. Wind ruffled her hair and she lost herself in the moment. Far away, the windmills were rotating slowly, at a pace slower than reality, and she let herself be walked over to their destiny with a faint smile.

Eventually when they did get back to their guest house and Shreya asked what that was, he found himself unable to explain what came over him.

"Didn't you say that was normal?"

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