Chapter I: Boy Meets Girl [Part I]

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Ever since she was a little girl, Akko Kagari was inspired to become the greatest witch of all time. Shiny Chariot Du Nord was the inspiration that inspired Akko to want to become the greatest witch of all time. It didn't matter if she didn't come from a prestigious family of magical beings or not, if she could put in the hard work, she would eventually become the Next Shiny Chariot Du Nord!

Akko Kagari was born on August 7th, 2000. Her 17th birthday just passed. Her birthday wish was to attend Luna Nova Academy. Luna Nova was located in West England. Europe. To get there, you would have to use the Ley Line to transport you to the Entrance of Luna Nova.

The problem with this was that one: You needed magic and the ability to fly on a broom to find the ley line. Two, Ley lines were everywhere. But you needed magic under your belt to find them. Akko didn't have magic under belt. So...She didn't know how to find the school, despite receiving the brochure in the mail.

At the same time, we meet a 13 year old boy named Owen Oshua. Owen was born on August 14th, 2004. As a teenager in 2017, Owen's height was 5 '5. He was an average looking kid who was taught how to use energy by his family. Owen's father was an inhuman and his mother was an alien who hailed from the alien race called the Elementals. Owen grew up in the city of Owlsville, where he had all of his adventures with his older siblings and his long time friends. One day, Owen had gotten sick of going to school. So he asked his parents if he could get a GED.

They agreed, but on ONE condition: Owen would have to travel the world and study different fighting styles from different fighters. Owen didn't hesitate regarding that deal. Within a week, Owen was the first in his family to get a GED. With a military hiking back strapped to his back, Owen Oshua bid his family farewell. 'Okay.' He thought while flying through the air. 'First place to visit, Europe.'


West England, Europe. There were many attractions. But what caught Owen's attention was the West England Airport. Inside the airport held statues of mighty kings, warriors and royal knights. While he looked around in amazement and considered the possibility of working here or in other parts of England, "OOF!" Akko, Due to her clumsiness, bumps into Owen. Now Akko was taller than Oshua. She had fair skin, brown hair and brown eyes. Akko, when she realized that she landed on top of Oshua, "I AM SO SORRY!" Her face turned tomato red while dusting herself off. "OH NO!" She forgot to help Owen to his feet.

"It's okay...I guess?" Owen said while Akko dusted him down too. "Thanks?" He said

"I...I...I um didn't mean to bump into you like that. I didn't see you is all." She said

"It's no big deal." Said Owen, chuckling nervously. "My name's Owen by the way. Owen Oshua. What's yours?"

"My name is Akko. Akko Kagari." She said, "And I'm going to be the greatest witch all time! Just like-EEP!" She wasn't supposed to expose the fact that she was becoming a witch in training. It was supposed to be secret. Due to SOME witches reputations and all.

"Witch?" Said Owen, "You're a Witch?"

"Well...I uh...Yeah..." Akko replied, knowing that it was too late to take back what she said now.

"That's so cool!" Said Owen. "My mother's an alien and my father is an inhuman!"


"Yeah!" Owen nodded. "My family is pretty cool. My mom can control the elements like the Avatar and My dad can fly, he's good at martial arts and he can even use energy to do all sorts of crazy stuff!"

"...You're kidding..." Akko wanted to believe that "Owen" was making this up. Sadly...he wasn't.

"I know you don't believe me, but if we meet each other again, I'll be sure to give you a demonstration." Said Owen. "Sadly, on my moms side, I can only bend Lightning. Unlike my older siblings and my younger siblings too. I think that throughout my journey all over the world, I might be able to unlock the other elements I've yet to bend. It's a long shot, but I would love to bend elements other than lightning. Don't get me wrong, lightning is awesome and has positive qualities, but bending fire and water and air? And powers hidden within those elements...It just...Arouses my curiosity."

"I...I can...Imagine." Said Akko. "Hey...You wouldn't know where Luna Nova Academy is...Would you?"

"...I think I do." Said Oshua. "We can find it together and get to know more about each other too. That is...If you want to."

"I honestly wouldn't mind that at all." Said Akko.


Moments later, while walking around West England, "Just admit it! We're lost!" Akko was freaking out. She thought this school was easy to find! Apparently she had forgotten that in order to get to Luna Nova, you needed access to the Ley Lines. Something she couldn't do because she didn't have magical powers.

"We're not lost." Said Oshua. "I think this school you're trying to find can't be found by human eyes."

"What are you talking about-GASP-YOU'RE RIGHT!" She said, remembering that Luna Nova could only be found if a witch was able to access the Ley Lines. "THE LEY LINES! HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO STUPID!? TO GET TO LUNA NOVA, YOU NEED TO GET ACCESS THROUGH THE LEY LINES! HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO DUMB!?"

"Don't panic, Akko." Said Owen, "Now...I dunno what these Ley Lines are, but I'm sure I can find one."


"And from what you told me, neither do you." Akko blushed out of embarrassment when Owen brought that up. "Besides, I have to try, right? And that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

"If you say so." Akko didn't have that much faith in this new friend she made. Regardless, Owen Oshua closes his eyes, tapping into the Lightning bending. The power he was tapping into led the Elemental-hybrid to a Location that was connected to a Ley Line. "I found one!" said Owen

"You what-" Seconds was all Owen needed to take Akko by the hand. "Hold On!" He said right before he raced throughout space and time to get to the Ley Line. When they got close to the Ley Line, Owen took a hold of it, which ricochet Akko and Owen towards the Entrance gate of Luna Nova Academy!

"WHOA..." Akko and Oshua said when they arrived. "THAT...WAS...INSANE..."


"Well...For starters...You can lemme go!-Can't breathe!-" Apparently Akko was hugging Oshua too tightly.

"Oh!" Akko let's Oshua go. "Sorry!" She said

"It's okay." He said. "Anyways, I better get going. It was...Uh...Oh."

"What's wrong?" Asked Akko

"...I think I may have a problem..." Said Owen, "I dunno how to get back." He started to panic, "Ho...Ly...Crap. My family's going to kill me. I gotta get back home. I gotta travel the world, I can't believe that I put my effing dreams on the line just to end up trapped in a magical world!-"

"Calm down!" Akko said, "I'll see if the headmistress of Luna Nova can send you back to the real world so you can continue your adventures."

"You'd do that for me?" Asked Owen, "Really?"

Akko nodded. "You got me here." She winked. "And besides...We're best friends now right? I couldn't call myself your friend if I couldn't do something nice for you."

Owen nodded. "Thanks Akko." He said, hugging the girl. "You're awesome."

Akko blushed. With a confident grin, she said, "I know I am."

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