Chapter VII: Year I, The First Years Witches Race

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About two months later, "Hey everyone!" Akko, while in Magic Botany class, pulls out a creature called a Brownie, a magical fairy creature that was considered a good luck charm. "Look what I found in the forest awhile back!"

"Whoa...What is that?" Asked Owen

"It's a brownie!" Said Akko, "It's a fairy that promises good luck! With this in our grasp, we'll pass today's lesson for sure!"

"Do we really need good luck just to make potions?" Asked Owen

"I agree with Owen." Said Sucy as she pinched the Brownie's cheek. "Besides, it looks like a goblin versus what you just said it was."

"Hey!" Akko said, "Keep your mushroom away from Brownie! It's poisonous!"

"It can also be used for medicine!" Said Sucy

"Right...Tell me is it medicine when it has you sweating for days!?" Akko asked

"I feel as though we should stop them from arguing before something bad happens." Said Lotte

"We could..." Owen sighed, "But we both know they won't listen to us."

Lotte sighed. "How right you are."

"Hm?" Sakura looks over and sees Akko and Sucy bickering again. "Hey," she called, "You guys need to focus on the class lesson. And Sucy, that thing is poisonous, so please keep it away from the fairy."

"HA!" Said Akko, "In your face Sucy!"

"Why don'tcha shut up!?" Said Sucy

"You shaddup!" Said Akko

"This isn't going to end well, is it?" Amanda asked Constanze, who shook her head as she saw Lotte growing nervous with each second Akko and Sucy argued

Brownie, the fairy of good luck, bites Akko's hand. She yelps in pain as she tosses him into the Potion mix with Sucy's mushroom. "...Now you've done it." Said Sucy

"This is your fault too!" Said Akko

"Uh-Oh." Owen's 6th sense went haywire as the Potion started boiling, "That's not good."

"You four!" Finnelan shouts, approaching Akko, Lotte, Sucy and Oshua. "What's going over here!?"

"I think we're about to find out." Said Owen, "GET BACK!" He pushes Akko, Sucy and Lotte away from the explosion that consumed Owen. The smoke and all wisps away, displaying a Mushroom monster with sharp teeth!

"OWEN!" The girls shout



The Mushroom monster released a toxin that knocked the first and second year students out. Saved Finnelan, Diana, Barbra and Hannah. "Is there ever a dull moment with these girls!?" Finnelan asked outloud

"Not really!" Owen shouts while being trapped within the Mushroom

"Don't worry, Owen." Said Diana. "We'll save you." She looks at Finnelan, "Professor, the Luna-Lana spell. It's the only spell that can undo the Mushroom monster."

"Of course!" Finnelan said as she and Diana let down their barriers, ready to perform the spell. "Let us commence!"

"Of course." Said Diana, placing her wand beside Finnelan's. "Ein Ein Sof!" She chanted

"Ein Sof Ohr!" Finnelan chanted

"LUNA-LANA!" The spell performed by both Finnelan and Diana nullified the Mushroom monster, destroying it and freeing Oshua, who landed on the table.

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