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CW: Discussions of murder, torture, sexual assault, dead bodies, and serial killers

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CW: Discussions of murder, torture, sexual assault, dead bodies, and serial killers. There's also some academic theory in here that I do my best to explain (warning: I'm drunk, so you get the cole's cole's notes version lol).

Fun fact: My master's and PhD dissertations were based on Erving Goffman's theory of dramaturgy, which was rooted in George Herbert Mead's theory of the self. Why? Because this is what happens when you have an existential crisis as a millennial.

Also, just because I love to brag about this stuff that's from my hometown and I am first a criminologist and therefore a huge fucking dork: Criminal minds uses geographic profiling a LOT. Geographic profiling was made famous by Dr. Kim Rossmo who got his PhD at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Rossmo was an investigator in the Vancouver Police Department while serial killer Robert Pickton was still murdering women in Vancouver's Downtown East Side.

Rossmo was screaming that there was a serial killer in Vancouver and the other cops (called the "old boy's club") excluded him from meetings, stole his office supplies, and eventually bullied him out of the precinct. This was in the early 90s and Pickton wasn't arrested until 2004. Rossmo was 100% correct in his profiling of Pickton. I've been to Rossmo's talks. He's a brilliant academic and it was a pleasure to listen to him speak. His PhD dissertation on geographic profiling is still available online. Even though the material is old, it remains incredibly fascinating.



The first thing I do when I get to the BAU is head straight for the kitchen. My body is exhausted, but my mind is working overtime.

And for once, it's not about a case.

Chloe sounded terrified on the phone when she told me about finding that wedding invitation. It's possible that it could be an accident, but the fear in her voice reminded me of Maeve.

I couldn't save her. I failed her. In every single way.

I'm determined not to make that same mistake again.

When I get to the kitchen, Garcia and Derek are cozied up in the corner. I have no idea why they don't just date. They're perfect for each other in every way. Sure, there's a policy against fraternization between agents, but when this job is your entire life, it's hard to meet someone who isn't a victim, an agent, or...

An unsub.

"Is this a new shirt?" Garcia asks, smoothing out Derek's collar.

"Got it two weeks ago. I'm surprised you didn't notice," he purrs.

"Oh, sugar, you keep me so busy locked in that cold, dark cave, I don't get a chance to appreciate just how gorgeous you are."

Neither of them see me move for the cupboard and pull out a mug.

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