(21) zugzwang

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CW: Discussions of murder, discussions of crime scene photos

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CW: Discussions of murder, discussions of crime scene photos

ZUGZWANG. A situation in a chess game in which a player is forced to make an undesirable or disadvantageous move.


Morgan grabs her a glass of water while I ease her onto the couch. She's sobbing uncontrollably, nearly screaming.

All I can do is hold her, and I've never felt so helpless.

"Here." Morgan hands her a glass of water. "Drink this."

Chloe shakes her head, her chest heaving and her face flushed.

"I can't—"

She's having a panic attack. Giving all the signals: goosebumps, short and shallow breathing, flushed face, and she's in a cold sweat.

"You have to," I whisper. "Panic attacks and excessive crying can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances—"

"Reid," Morgan murmurs, shaking his head as Chloe takes the glass from his hand.

"Sorry," I murmur. "I was just trying to help."

Morgan flashes me a sad smile as Chloe starts to guzzle her water. Both of us watch her until she's drained every last drop.

"Dean's completely changed his M.O.," I tell Morgan.

A posed body. Removing the eyes. That takes a lot of skill.

A hell of a lot more skill than just bludgeoning someone to death.

"Did she suffer?" Chloe asks, trembling in my arms.

Morgan just stares at her, his expression unsure.

"We don't know yet, Chloe. I'm sorry."

"Was it Dean?" She sobs.

"We don't know," Morgan murmurs. "I wish we had more answers, Chloe. I really do. I'm sorry."

"It's—" She sniffles. "It's okay. You're doing your jobs. You're doing more than the local police could back in California."

"Yeah, Rossi and Hotch gave them a call about your files. You called the LAPD 78 times in the last two years."

My heart sinks to the floor and I let out a breath as Chloe's face crumples. She nods her head, collapsing into me.

I hold her tighter, kissing her temple. I don't know what else to do. I've never really been in this situation before, other than Maeve— and even then, I was distant. I didn't know her like I know Chloe. I didn't have the chance to... explore her in the same way.

Love is never a competition, and even though I loved Maeve deeply on a particular level, it's so different than my love for Chloe. Not better, not worse, it's just... different.

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