One Step Closer - 116💕

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The morning buzz around the Park Group Headquarters seemed to pause for a moment when Jimin stepped into the threshold, buttoning his tailored suit jacket, looking elegant yet imposing. His aura commanded respect and obedience. The no-nonsense gaze swept lazily across the lobby and the waiting area, well aware of the gazes on him.

The chaos around him always seemed to pause as if the time itself halted around him as they all stopped to stare. The staff at the reception stood respectfully, bowing and greeting him. He acknowledged the greetings with a subtle nod. Pushing a hand inside his pocket, he strode to the VIP elevator, his confident steps echoing through the grand lobby.

A soft music greeted him inside the elevator, such a calm contrast to the hustle and bustle outside. But the false sense of calm worked like a charm on many until they got to their cabin where real war of the day began. As for Jimin, he knew he was heading to a dog fight.

The so-called briefing was added last minute and he already received information that almost all of the board members were present at the meeting. His father conveniently took off today and sat at home, which worked in his favor. Jimin had no one to control him today.

"As per our source, they've been in there over an hour and talking in hushed tones," Secretary Cha informed. "Our source walked in twice in disguise of handing them refreshments and she noticed the change of topic or the hush of silence in her presence."

Jimin huffed. "I know it's June. You don't have to pretend we're in some undercover movie shit."

Secretary Cha chuckled. "It's gives a air of mystery." He beamed. The movie fanatic was hopeless and Jimin just rolled his eyes. The beta was a hard worker and dedicated to his job. It was hard to find loyal employees like him so over the five years they've worked together, Jimin allowed him to be less formal on occasion.

The elevator ding announced their arrival to the desired floor and the wide doors opened to reveal the sleek, modern office space with floor-to-ceiling windows that showed the fellow skyscrapers plunging into the sky and offered a panoramic view of the city below. Once again, he noticed the hush of silence and hurried steps of the employees ready to greet him at this level.

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