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Please don't be in love with someone else

The cafeteria was alive with the vibrant energy of lunchtime, the air filled with the mingling scents of various dishes and the constant murmur of conversation

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The cafeteria was alive with the vibrant energy of lunchtime, the air filled with the mingling scents of various dishes and the constant murmur of conversation. Hayun and Wonbin sat at a table, a patch of sunlight casting a warm glow over them as they talked and laughed.

Their connection was unmistakable, which is no wonder why they get shipped a lot. They leaned in close, their heads almost touching as they looked at something on his phone, their laughter a bright note in the bustling cafeteria.

Jisung walked in, looking for a quick snack between practice sessions. He spotted Hayun and Wonbin almost immediately. His steps faltered as he took in the scene, their heads bent close together, Hayun's bright smile directed at Wonbin.

A pang of jealousy gripped him, sharp and unexpected. He had always admired Hayun and had developed a deep crush for her, but seeing her so at ease with Wonbin made his insecurities flare up.

He grabbed a bottle of water and something small to snack on, then made his way to a nearby table, deliberately choosing one that gave him a clear view of them without being too obvious.

He couldn't help but compare himself to Wonbin. Where Wonbin was outgoing and effortlessly charming, Jisung was more reserved, often finding it hard to express himself. He watched as Hayun laughed at something Wonbin said, her face lighting up with genuine joy, and felt a knot of envy tighten in his chest.

As Jisung picked at his food, Hayun's gaze drifted across the cafeteria. Her eyes landed on Jisung, and for a moment, the bustling room seemed to fade away. He looked deep in thought, his dark hair falling over his forehead in that effortlessly cool way that always seemed natural to him.

There was a quiet intensity about Jisung that Hayun found captivating. She admired the way he carried himself, the way he could attract her attention without even trying.

"Earth to Hayun," Wonbin's voice broke through her trance. He followed her gaze and his lips curled into a teasing smile when he saw Jisung sitting alone. "Ah, I see what's going on here."

"What are you talking about?" Hayun chuckled, focusing her attention back on Wonbin.

"You're totally checking out Jisung," Wonbin said, his tone light and teasing. "Don't even try to deny it."

"I was just... looking around," Hayun protested weakly, though she knew it was a flimsy excuse.

"Sure you were," Wonbin laughed, giving her a playful nudge. "You know, if you like him, you should just tell him."
Hayun bit her lip, her eyes drifting back to Jisung.
"It's not that simple."

Before Hayun could say more, a girl approached Jisung's table. She was all bright smiles and confident energy, her presence immediately commanding attention.

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