Chapter 34

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Grabbing one of the candlesticks, I slowly moved outside. My eyes scan the area for the intruder. Only to be met with someone I already know.

"Kaz!" I breathe out. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice traps," he points out. Well, mostly to the broken cement slab. "So, Black Veil?"

I give him a pointed look. "Why are you here?"

"I should've known you were staying here."

"Famous hiding place?" I roll my eyes.

"In a sense."

We stare at each other. Kaz didn't speak. I didn't ask him how he found me. He probably had someone follow me when I went to the market for bread the other day. Or he was asking around about newcomers.

None of that really mattered anyway. He was probably here to get me to come back and work for him.

"I meant it when I said I quit, Kaz," I state. "Go back to the Barrel." I turn to go. The candlestick in my hand is ready to be put in its rightful place.

"I know about Simeon Studer."

I freeze in place. My heart is racing. How did he find out?

"I know he's looking for you." He stops. "Why?"

There was no point in hiding it anymore. "I killed his son... well, I may as well have..." I turn to look at Kaz. "Come inside, we're too exposed."

Kaz followed me inside my mausoleum. His eyes scan the room while I clear a spot for him to sit. If I had a warning he was going to show up, I would've done this awhile ago. Or maybe vanished so I wouldn't have to explain anything.

"How did you find out about him?" I ask.

"Some of his people showed up at the Club asking for you," he said.
My heart stops. "Did you tell them I worked there?"

"I told them nothing. When they didn't get what they wanted, they left."

My pounding heart slows slightly. Kaz could've demanded money for the information he had but he didn't.

Everytime I think Kaz will do one thing, he does the opposite. I can't read his future actions like I can with others. It's like his priorities keep changing or he doesn't know what he wants.

"Thank you..." I whisper.

There was a long pause. Kaz was waiting for me to explain where I was too busy trying to avoid his piercing gaze.

"Why is he looking for you?" Kaz asks.

I sigh, but start telling Kaz the truth. "As you know, the Wandering Isle thinks Grisha blood is a cure-all. Which I think there was only ever one documented case where that actually happened."

Kaz didn't look entertained by my knowledge of Grisha blood healing.

I look away. "My oldest brother was murdered for his blood..." Kaz shifts in his seat. "And then my other brother burned down the whole village. He had to sail to Ravka or the few people who did survive would come looking for revenge."

"He didn't take you with him?" Kaz asks.

I shake my head, looking up at Kaz. "We had... conflicting... viewpoints on the issue."

"Wouldn't the townspeople go after you? To conduct their revenge."

I give Kaz a sad smile. He's too smart for his own good.

"That's exactly what they did," I say. "I thought my brother was exaggerating, like the many times before, but sure enough, the night he left... about 20 townspeople started for our house.

"At that moment, I knew there was no escaping. That they would kill me. Use my blood for whatever it is they needed it for... But then, someone rode in and made them all go away. He stayed there all night. Guarding my house, and me.

"He came back everyday. In the same spot. Always watching the horizon. Waiting to see if they were going to come back."

"It was the son." Kaz states.

I nod. "Eventually we became friends. Good friends... He hated the views on Grisha blood and we kind of bonded over it." I took a deep breath. The horrors of the story are finally ready to be revealed. "At least until he developed Iron Bark."

"The blood disease?"

I nod again. "He also had a particular... symptoms." If that's the right word for it. "Instead of just attacking his blood, it started attacking his lungs."

I stand up, walking over to the opposite side of the room. Kaz didn't turn to look at me. Out of respect?

"He invited me out one night," I said after a moment. "Told me about his disease. I told him that I'd help him in any way I could... which looking back probably wasn't the best words. That's when he pulled out a knife and, well, gave me the scar."

My gaze shifts to look out the window. The wind softly blew, making my lantern move in the breeze. Maybe it was going to rain later? The rain would give me an excuse to keep myself locked into the mausoleum.

"Lyra," Kaz calmly says. "How did you kill him?"

"I lit him on fire."

The images flash through my memory. His face melting off as his black hair burns away. His clothes burning with him. Flakes flying off his body in ash.

I shake the images from my mind. Once again, sitting across from Kaz. I tried my best not to show my actual feelings. That I have no emotions, just like Kaz himself.

"The rest I'm sure you can figure out for yourself," I state.

Kaz nods, looking at the ground in thought. After a moment, he stands. His eyes effortlessly found mine.

"Come back to the Slat with me," he says. "Work for me again."

"Kaz, I can't-"

"I'm not scared of Simeon Studer. And neither should you. Not while you work for me."

"He killed two of your men."

"I have more."

I roll my eyes. Only to Kaz would his workers be replaceable. At this point, it doesn't suprise me.

I do miss working for him. Bothering him when he's busy with work. Actually using my skills for something, getting money to survive. All of which isn't bad.

And maybe the best part of the job: watching the way he acts when I'm around. The way he always goes to say one thing but stops. The night in his room. The Heartrender. The conversation with Jesper. Everything about it- him- draws me in. And I can't help myself.

But I can't just go back.

"Why do you want me to work for you?" I whisper.

"Because..." He suddenly stops. His expression chances. Becomes harder, hiding all his emotions. "You're one of the best Sleuths I've ever had."

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