Chapter 38

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As the last customer leaves for the night, I help Bastian put the tables up. The fight was easy enough to break up. All I had to do was warm my hands enough to give the bigger one a shock. After that, Bastian could easily remove the two.

"Lyra," Kaz called from the top of the stairs.

I walk into Kaz's office. He sat behind his desk, his eyes on me. He motions for me to close the door. Which I do.

"Is everything alright?" I ask.

"Simeon Studer is on the move," Kaz lays out. No ease into it, just straight to the point. Maybe that was a good thing?

"How do you know?"

"I have eyes on him."

Eyes on him? Why do I keep underestimating him... then it clicked.

"That's what the meeting was about," I say slowly.

Kaz's eyes soften. "He's moving large crates. Almost like he's getting ready for something."

My heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach. Could he be setting up for a prisoner? Could he be... bringing his son to Kerch?

"Have your people seen him bring in a Heartrender?" I ask. Slight panic in my voice.

Kaz shakes his head before carefully asking if I knew what he might be bringing in. What he's setting up for.

If it's not his son, there could be many things that he'd want to worry about. That he might have shipped from The Wandering Isle. Most things having to do with business prospects unless he found a house here he wants to move into. There were just too many things he could be moving.

Eventually, I shake my head. Even if Simeon had brought his son... Kaz doesn't need to know that.

Kaz nods. His eyes glossing over as he thinks through his options. If there were options.

"I want you to go back to the Slat," Kaz finally said.

"But I still have-"

"Go home, Lyra."

Kaz met my eyes, unwavering. If I didn't know better, I would say he looked worried. Maybe he was? He didn't have to go through all the effort to keep Simeon from finding me. He didn't have to get people to keep an eye on his every movement. He didn't have to go through all this just for me.

Not unless he needed me for something else. Something more important.

"Okay," I whisper. Not wanting to start a fight. "Goodnight, Kaz."

He gives his head a firm nod before letting the papers take his attention.

I walk towards the Slat. The worry of Simeon's movements echoing through my head.

He's preparing for something.

His son must be in Kerch.

He knows something I don't.

He could be coming for me right now.

What does he have planned if he finds me...

If he gets me... who will save me?

Someone from behind slips a bag over my head forcing me into darkness. My hands instinctively go to pry the bag from my head when something cold clasps around my wrists. I struggle against them. Someone grabs my arms and then my legs. Lifting me into the air.

Someone leans over me, pressing their lips to my ear.

"We have you now," Reuben's voice whispers.

My heart stops.

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