Chapter 27

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I kicked a couple rocks around on my way back to my house. Why was I so annoyed seeing Kaz like that? He's his own person. If he wants to do... things... with Heartrender's then who am I to stop him?

It's just that I never saw him like that. Using Grisha for... personal matters. Though, thinking about it usually Heartrender's touch different places for pleasuring their clients.

Maybe I should've stayed and got Kaz's explanation for his sudden need for a Heartrender. And jumping to one conclusion isn't fair to him, me, or that poor Heartrender.

No matter how much my mind is forcing me to go there.

Turning a corner, my mausoleum comes into view. Vines, leaves, and half a tree were blocking the entrance. The storm had almost killed me and now the entrance to my "house" is blocked. 

"You have got to be kidding me?" I breathe out. "Can the day get any worse?"

Yes, my mind screams at me. He could show up at any minute and kidnap, torture, and kill me. A few vines, leaves, and branches weren't terrible.

Suddenly it hit me. If this happened to the mausoleum, what happened to my traps?

Leaving my mausoleum behind, I head to the places I set up my traps. One after another, I realized that they were all intact. The ties my hallucinations made me do actually held up.

I silently thank my two brothers. Only to feel alone moments after.

Maybe I was quick with my decision of making them leave. Sure no one wants to be plagued with the dead, but for times like these, when I'm alone, having someone to talk to isn't horrible.

Heading back to my mausoleum, I try to think of ways to unblock the entrance. The branches would be too heavy to clean on my own, so I focused on the leaves and vines.

After hours of clearing an entrance into the mausoleum, there was finally a clear enough path to slip inside.

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