Chapter 25

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The next morning, I changed out of Kaz's clothes back into my originals. Kaz wasn't there when I woke, he only left a note on top of my clothes with instructions telling me to go back to the cottage. Maybe it was a good thing that he wasn't here. Everything from yesterday became all too real.

I slept in Kaz's bedroom. Wearing his clothes. He was laying next to me. We touched. Once from trying to keep my limbs and life intact and the other I was half asleep for. Maybe that one was just a dream?

I should ask Kaz about last night. Of course I wouldn't directly ask, walk around the topic. See if he would let something slip. He seems to be doing that a little more lately. Maybe he's starting to trust me or there's something else that he can't confess?
Could he be feeling guilty? Does he know what he wants?

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I get on with Kaz's job. I slip out of the Slat without anyone stopping to talk to me. Which was fairly easy, most Dregs were still sleeping.

Ten minutes later, I'm standing outside of the house by the section that Kaz and I climbed up. The storm from last night broke off a couple of the wooden pieces but it was still possible to climb up.

I climb onto the roof. Doing exactly what was planned the night before. Only this time, whatever Kaz had originally planned for coming with me is void. 

Climbing through the unlocked window, I listen for any sign of someone walking around. There wasn't anything out of the normal, but I still scanned the room for a hiding place if it was needed.

Following Kaz's instructions, I begin my search for a pouch of Kruge and a stolen painting. He didn't give me more instructions except for "you'll know it when you see it." As if I knew famous paintings?

Finding the pouch of Kruge was the easiest part. It was hidden in the bottom drawer of the man's desk. As if men never learn to hide important things more carefully. The painting was hidden a little better.

Without turning the room inside out, I looked everywhere. Unless the painting was hiding somewhere else in the house, the room was useless.
As I'm about to leave the room, my eyes stop on the fireplace.

Sitting on the ledge of the fireplace, a small painting of a family. A woman with dark brown hair has a void look on her face. Her daughter smiled wide. Her husband has a tight smile plastered on his. His arm wrapped around her waist.

Tearing my eyes away from the family portrait, I kneel down by the charred wood. Some fireplaces have hidden compartments that most people don't think about checking. The charcoal from the fire and flames of a lit fire usually deter them.

Dragging my fingers inside the fireplace, I stop once they hit the latch. I open it and pull the painting from the compartment. I didn't care enough to unfold it.

Harshaw, once again you show your brilliance.

"Oh, Dennison," a woman moans.

I did not want to know who that was or why. I just wanted to get Kaz's money and strange painting and leave. But as I turned to go, I knew Kaz would want to get as much dirt on this man as possible.

Against my better judgment, I open the door. Surprisingly, the hinges didn't make a sound. I walk down the long hall towards the bright light of the day. My feet silent.

"Maersk," a man's voice grumbles.

I peak around the corner. Downstairs in the foyer, the man was kissing a pale blonde woman. She kisses him back with fierce movements.

That is not his wife…

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