↳ 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐧 .

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although it hasn't been long since you've purchased it, the ice cream that sits snugly in your hand has already started melting. your legs turn over at a faster pace. you'd say that you're jogging, but your legs don't make you break into a full-blown sprint.

if you run, you run the risk of dropping the ice cream. this is a risk that you can't take when you're banking on using this to surprise the classmate that spends all of his free time sleeping.

i believe that boo seungkwan is his name.

everyone in class has the courtesy to let him sleep whenever he needs to because they know just how hectic his schedule is. you'd always heard about how difficult trainee life could get, but now you seem to finally understand.

you re-enter the classroom after making your trip to the ice cream parlor. taking small steps, you find your way to the boy who's slumped in his seat. he uses his arms to hold his head on, providing himself with some form of comfort.

your eyes linger on his sleeping form.

i should just let him sleep, shouldn't i?

the melting ice cream that's creating a sugary mess on your hands reminds you that you've got no choice but to wake him up.

here goes nothing.

how do you gently awaken someone? do you tap their shoulder or shake it? do you softly call their name until they return to consciousness?

after giving it some thought, you decide that tapping his shoulder is the most suitable way of waking him up. it is only then, when you go to move your hand, that you're met by brown eyes that bore into yours.

"hi, i'm (y/n). i'm sorry for waking you up. i, uh, i just wanted to give you the ice cream that i bought for you." your voice, much like your confidence, shakes with each word.

"why are you standing over me?" seungkwan asks, while wiping his face.

this stupid ice cream fell on him. that's what what woke up. 

mortified, you have no idea what else to do except apologize. "oh, i'm sorry."

seungkwan lifts his head from the desk. he presses his fingers together, then he pushes his arms out as far as he possibly can. he looks out the window while stretching. you can't help but notice how adorable he is when he's just woke up.

"why do you apologize so much?" he says with laziness in his words.

"i don't know. i really didn't realize that i do that until just now." you feel the embarrassment creeping in. "anyway, i'm sorr-"

"there you go apologizing again." seungkwan says, but you can tell he's holding back his laughter.

"yeah, i don't know why i can't seem to break that habit."

after making the biggest fool of yourself, you hand him his ice cream. your hand briefly grazes his while you transfer the ice cream cone to his hand.

you figure that it's best if you just leave him alone, but he seems to have other plans. "(y/n) is your name, isn't it?"

"yes," you shake your head.

"i really hope that you won't make me eat this by myself." seungkwan eyes the spoon that you're clutching.

"well, it's for you." you hide the spoon behind your back.

you commend yourself on being so generous. you don't even have time to process anything before you end up sitting on seungkwan's leg.

"here, try it." seungkwan suggests, but you still can't comprehend what exactly is going on.

get up, (y/n)! get the hell up!

he looks at you happily. a gorgeous smile that's honest pulls his face into a perfect image.

oh. my. god.

you don't even think twice about it when you try the ice cream without the spoon.

"it's good, isn't it?" seungkwan asks you, but you could care less about the ice cream.

a brief nod is the best you can manage right now, so that's what you do.

"thank you for this, (y/n)." seungkwan looks right at you.

actually, it seems like he's looking through you. you're not sure if he's thanking you for the ice cream or your company.

"you're welcome, boo seungkwan." you try out a nee phrase for a change, then you smile warmly at him.

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