Thirteen: The Pursuit of his gaze.

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I was sitting at my favorite café, enjoying a rare moment of solitude with a cup of chai when I saw Aditya and Cheeku approaching. Aditya's greeted me with his usual lukewarm smile, but there was something mischievous in Cheeku's eyes.

They walked over to my table, and Cheeku immediately clambered into the seat opposite me, her small frame almost bouncing with excitement.

"Hi Zoya!" Cheeku greeted me, her voice cheerful as ever.

"Hi there, Cheeku," I replied, smiling at her enthusiasm. "How are you doing today?"

"Good!" she said, her eyes sparkling. "I have a question for you."

"Oh? What's that?" I asked, glancing at Aditya, who was hovering nearby with his usual cold air of nonchalance.

He ordered hot chocolate and and Apple strudel and got busy with his phone.

Cheeku leaned in closer, her expression conspiratorial. "Would you like to come shopping with us for Diwali?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.

I was taken aback for a moment, pleasantly surprised by the invitation. "Shopping for Diwali? That sounds like fun," I said, looking between Cheeku and Aditya. "But are you sure you want me to come along?"

Aditya shrugged casually, trying to appear indifferent. "Oh, you know, it's Cheeku's idea. She thought it would be fun to have you join us. No big deal if you're busy, though....But I think feminine influence can really help her.... I'm not very good with girl clothes."

Cheeku giggled at this, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Zoya! Adi got me a dress that looked like a tent! was soooooo big."

Aditya's ears turned a bit pink, but he chuckled. "Hey, that dress was fashionable. It just... had a lot of room to grow into."

Cheeku rolled her eyes dramatically. "It was so big I could have fit all of our puppies!"

I couldn't help but laugh . "Well, it sounds like I definitely need to step in and help then," I said, smiling at Cheeku. "We can't have you looking like you're wearing a tent for Diwali."

Cheeku nodded vigorously. "Exactly! Zoya, you have to come. Adi neeeeedddss help, Queen!"

I could tell he was trying to play it cool, but there was a hopeful glint in his eyes that gave him away. It made me smile inwardly.


"Yes! Because I'd never wreck your ship. Tell me... Will you come shopping with me???"

"I'd love to come," I said, turning my attention to Cheeku. "What do you need to shop for?"

Cheeku's face lit up even more, if that was possible. "Everything! Decorations, sweets, new clothes... and maybe some special gifts too."

I laughed softly. "Sounds like we have a lot to do. When are we going?"

Aditya, still not really looking at me, glanced at his watch. "Well, we were thinking of heading out soon. If you don't have other plans, that is." His words were casual, almost dismissive, and I found myself craving his attention more than ever. My heart sank a little as I watched him avoid my gaze, his focus seemingly elsewhere. I wanted him to look at me, to see the eagerness in my eyes and the warmth in my smile. I longed for a sign, any sign, that he wanted me to be part of this moment, that my presence mattered to him as much as his did to me. But instead, his nonchalance left me feeling like an afterthought, and I couldn't shake the lingering ache of wanting more from him.

I pretended to consider for a moment, enjoying the subtle dance of this wierd tension. "I suppose I can clear my schedule," I said with a wink. "After all, Diwali shopping is important."

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