Fifteen: Who's the bigger idiot?

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I stood there, drenched and trembling, watching Aditya’s car disappear into the night.

The rain poured down, soaking me to the bone, but I barely noticed.

My heart was racing, my mind a whirlwind of confusion and desire.

I watched him run back to the car, his retreating figure a stark contrast to the passion we had just shared.

My heart pounded in my chest, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I tried to make sense of what had just happened.

I wanted to run after him, to grab him and demand answers, to make him stay and explain why he had pulled away..

The way he had kissed me, the way he had held me—it had ignited something within me that I had never felt before.

It was raw, overwhelming, and impossible to ignore. My body still tingled from his touch, my lips burning from the memory of his kiss.

What had just happened?

Why did he pull away?

Why did he leave me standing here, alone and wanting?

I took a step forward, my feet moving of their own accord, but then I stopped.

I couldn’t chase after him, not like this. I felt a shiver run down my spine, the cold finally penetrating through my confusion.

I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to fend off the chill.

The rain felt like needles against my skin, but the ache inside me was even sharper.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm raging inside me. The desire, the need, the confusion—it was all too much.

I had never experienced anything like this before.

It was lewd, intense, and utterly consuming.

My body screamed for him, every nerve ending on fire with the need to be close to him again.

“Aditya,” I whispered into the night, my voice lost in the sound of the storm.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek, mixing with the rain.

Why had he pulled away?
Why did he leave?

I wanted to understand... I needed to understand. My heart ached with the unanswered questions, the unfulfilled desire.

The lightning flashed, illuminating the empty street, and I felt a pang of loneliness.

I needed answers, needed to know what was going on between us. The pull towards him was unbearable...and I didn’t want to resist.

But he had left, and I was standing here alone, drenched and confused.

I stood there, soaked to the bone, my hands clenched into fists at my sides. The rain mingled with the tears that had started to fall, and I felt an overwhelming sense of loss.

What was he so afraid of?

And why did this kiss, this touch, feel so different, so consuming?

I looked up at the sky, the rain blurring my vision. I needed to talk to him, to confront him about what had just happened.

I needed to know why he had kissed me like that, why he had made me feel like the only person in the world, only to pull away.

I wiped the rain from my face, my resolve hardening. I wouldn’t let this go. I would find him, talk to him, make him explain. I turned and headed inside, my mind already racing with what I would say to him, the questions I would ask.

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