Fourteen: The Truth, The Idiot.

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As Cheeku and I sat at the food court, she was thoroughly engrossed in her ice cream, her face smeared with chocolate and her eyes twinkling with delight. She hummed happily with each spoonful, completely oblivious to the world around her.

I, on the other hand, was struggling to keep my thoughts in check. Every time I tried to focus on something else, my mind drifted back to Zoya.

A rush of heat surged through me at the thought. I pictured her in that saree, the way the soft fabric would cling to her curves... her eyes...warmth that always drew me in.

I could see her standing in front of me, a teasing smile playing on her lips, her hands adjusting the pleats with a grace that was uniquely hers.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the image, but it only grew more vivid. My mind wandered to inappropriate territories, imagining what it would feel like to unwrap that saree, to run my fingers over the smooth silk and feel the warmth of her skin beneath.

The thought of her in my arms, of pressing my lips to the curve of her neck, sent a shiver down my spine.

This was dangerous.
It was driving me crazy, this constant battle between my desire to be close to her and my fear of crossing the line of our friendship.

My pulse quickened, a mix of desire and guilt swirling inside me. She was my friend, someone I cared about deeply, and these thoughts felt like a betrayal. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop the fantasies from creeping in, each one more vivid and intoxicating than the last.

"Adi! Listen!!!?" Cheeku's voice broke through my reverie, bringing me back to the present. She was looking at me with a mixture of impatience and curiosity, her ice cream forgotten for the moment.

"Uh, yeah, sorry," I stammered, trying to shake off the lingering images. "What did you say?"

"I said," she repeated, rolling her eyes dramatically, "if you keep ignoring Zoya, she'll think you don't like her. How will she be your girlfriend then?"

Her bluntness caught me off guard, and I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"I'm not ignoring her,"I replied with unwavering determination, though I couldn't hide the slight defensiveness in my tone.

"YOU ARE," she insisted, her tone firm. "If you don't tell her that you like her, how will she become your girlfriend then?"


She was right.

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut.

Girlfriend. The term sent a rush of conflicting emotions through me. The thought of Zoya as my girlfriend was intoxicating, yet it felt so distant and unattainable. Could it even be possible?

I wanted Zoya, more than I'd ever wanted anyone. But the fear of crossing that line, of ruining what we had, held me back.

And yet, the thought of losing her, of never exploring the possibility of something more, scared me even more.

But for now, I had to focus on the present, on getting through this day without letting my fantasies take over. I watched Cheeku dive back into her ice cream, her earlier concern forgotten. And as I sat there, the image of Zoya in that saree still vivid in my mind, I made a silent promise to myself: I would find a way to show her, to let her know just how deeply she had captivated me.

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