XVIV 》An Unforeseen Escapade.

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Dedicated to peopleandproblems2 and Lydiaagyemang, I see youuu🤭💗


I've been watching you
for sometime...

-Billie Eilish.



"How are you even wearing a blazer in this hot weather?" I questioned my best friend, who had a stack of white papers resting on her forearm as we walked to the direction of the administrative block.

The weather this days wasn't something I would term as 'normal.' Somedays were really cold and other days like today were rather hot and it wasn't even noon yet.

Visible beads of sweat danced around Vanilla's forehead and the tip of her nose, slowly trinkling down with every movement she made, still, she refused to remove her blazer in the name of being an 'examplary prefect.'

"It's not even that hot." She adjusted the papers to her other arm, and quickened her pace, "You're just exaggerating, abeg"

I quickened mine too, falling into step with her to smack her head which elicited a peal of hearty laughter from her.

"Ah ahn. Why so violent?" She said in between laughs, "Hope you've not forgotten that I am the your Head girl and can have you hanged with just the mere snap of my fingers."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes but eventually did. Vanilla only showed this playful side of her to me and a few other people which led to the majority of the students in SA thinking she was just stuckup and rude. Including our classmates since she only communicated with a select few of them.

I remember when one of the class C girls confronted her about it. That was the day she made it very clear to her and everyone else in just one word, that she couldn't clear less.

"Irrelevant" She had said. That was also the day she gained the whole of my respect.

She just didn't know how much I admired her.

"Just go give him the papers so we can go back to class madam Head girl." I said as soon as we reached our destination and she stuck out her tongue at me before she stepped through the door that had the letters 'Administration' inscribed on it in bold red letters.

One of the tall trees in Saffron, planted by the side of the administrative block, shielded me from the burning sun as I awaited Vanilla's return. I stood under it for some minutes, my wild train of thoughts serving as a companion, until I heard someone calling a name from a distance.

A name I knew all too well.

Involuntarily, my body turned to find the source of the voice, and when it did, I was plunged into deep confusion.

It was Aldric as expected, he was with someone else; a girl and since she had called him senior, she was definitely a junior and damn, was she gorgeous.

Then the unexpected happened, he pulled her in for a hug. An action that had my heart racing faster than it was supposed to, beating erratically against my chest. An action that made the inside of my stomach churn in displeasure. An action that turned my blood to liquid fire, as I continued staring between the two, gobsmacked.

And for the life of me, I couldn't understand why this was happening.

I was so focused on them, that I didn't notice Vanilla had returned until she tapped my shoulder. Speechless, I just directed her to the sight, finally letting the question out. "Who is she?"

"Who is who?" She asked, and I face-palmed myself internally.

When I pointed at the two again, she finally understood, her face glazed with realization. "Oh," She chuckled, "And here I was looking at that pole over there."

On seeing that I didn't return the humour, she wiped the smile off her face and stared at the two. "I don't know, but dayumm, she sure is pretty."

I didn't know why, but something pricked at my heart as I watched them talk and laugh together. It was quite obvious that they were familiar with each other. A lot.

"Maybe it's his cousin or something." Vanilla offered. Although the explanation was reasonable, my brain didn't seem to comply.

"Or his girlfriend."

I noticed that Vanilla became silent, so I tore my gaze off them and turned to her instead. She was staring me as if I had said the stupidest thing in the world before she bursted into ear-splitting laughter.

And for a second, just a spilt second, she had me thinking that what I said was actually stupid.

"Pfftt, that's ridiculous!" She said. "You see what I said earlier, you too dey exaggerate."

However, I stood my ground.

"Think about it, Aldric doesn't roll with just anyone. And how they were so close together, she has to be something more!"

She gave me that look again, and another round of laughter erupted from her lips. I shoved her to the side, my lips puffing out in a pout. "Stop laughing joor, it's not funny"

"Okay. Maybe she is, maybe she's not, but why do you care so much?" She folded her arms and quirked a perfectly carved brow at me.

I instantly became weak in the knees, and my flaming face wasn't helping matters.

"I don't." I managed to say, "What makes you think that?"

My eyes refused to meet hers because I knew how she was able to read me like a book, and if they did, she would definitely realize something. That thing that I wasn't going to admit, to her or even myself.

"Nothing." She studied me for a moment, then shook her head. "Okay then, let's get going" She linked her arm with mine, "But first..."

If I had been attentive enough, I would've seen the slight twitch of a mischievious smirk on her lips because when I had realized what she was about to do, it was already too late.


Before I could react, she had already started pulling me along, towards him. I would've picked race and ran as fast as my legs could carry me if my said legs didn't go numb as soon as his eyes set on the two of us.

Plus, I would've looked really, really, really stupid. Thankfully, the girl he was with had already left which meant less people to bear witness to me, getting the embrassment of a life time.

With every step we took towards him, it got harder and harder to breath, and I had to remind myself to stay cool. But that became the hardest thing ever as soon as my gaze clashed with his.

I swallowed hard.


Hola! How are y'all doing?

I'm fine, thanks for asking🤭

So, your thoughts on this chapter? Kind of a filler chapter but I still hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.

Gomawo for reading. I love y'all so, so much.

Until the next chapter, stay safe and remain serene💗

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