mama bear

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I woke up to the feeling of an arm round my waist. I look over to see johnnie cuddling into me. My thought were interrupted by Jake barging through the door screaming, "JOHNNIE WHERE IS AMY I CAN'T FI- oh." he says as he notices me. a smirk crawls across his face. Johnnie shuffles about but he doesn't wake up. fucking heavy sleeper.

"what's going on here?" Jake whispers smiling. " well I couldn't make it to my room yesterday so johnnie let me stay in here! but to be honest I can not explain him cuddling me.. I'm just as confused as you are." I say whispering with a slight smile. "ooo you like it don't you?" my cheeks flush red and before I can reply Jake leaves and shuts the door. 

I attempt to not wake Johnnie as I reach over to grab my phone. 1:35pm. fucking hell what time did we go to sleep last night? I check my notifications and I find thousands of people have followed my Instagram and TikTok. holy shit! I smile to myself but I find one girl stood out the most. Tara Yummy. I went onto her page and saw Jake and johnnie followed her? I scrolled through her photos. Most of them herself but some with Jake and johnnie.

I hit the follow button as I felt moving next to me. "morning sleepy" I said smiling at him. "Oh shit morning." he said with a deep, raspy voice. fuck me. He removes his arm from my waist "Fuck I'm sorry about that." He says, awkwardly.  "don't worry about it" I say smiling, I felt my cheeks blush and I said "I appear to have 2,000 more followers on Instagram and TikTok!" "Yeah its probably from the stream, they hunted your accounts down" He spoke as he reached to grab his phone. " also, who is Tara Yummy? You and Jake follow her and she followed me yesterday." I ask him. "Oh! that's Mine and jakes friend, well jakes ex now friend." he replied, looking up from his phone.

I smiled at him and I began to get up. "do you want anything? I'm going to the kitchen." I ask him while walking to the door. "urm yeah ill have a water if you don't mind!" he replies. I smile at him and walk out the door. I head down the hallway and down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and I see Jake. He notices me and smirks. "so, fist I find you cuddling with johnnie in his bed ad now your in his clothes? seriously Amy, what the fuck is going on." he asks me. "well, last night after stream we shared a cigarette, we streamed and then like I said I was going to go to sleep but I was too drunk to make it to my bedroom so he gave me clothes to sleep in his room, but i still cannot explain the cuddling." I explained to Jake, I felt my cheeks burn red. "you have a little crush don't you?" he smirks at me. 

I stare at him for a while trying to get an answer because to be honest, I don't know. I've barely known him but, I feel comfortable and safe around him. Jake seems to notice my lack of answer and says "you definitely do!" I scowl but before I reply he interrupts saying "My friend Tara is coming over soon, I'm sure you will love her." he says smiling to himself.

"yeah she followed me on Instagram, she seems cool" I reply smiling at him while I gram myself a monster and Johnnie a water. I say bye to Jake and leave to return to johnnies room. "hey I'm back with your water!" as I say walking over to him, he has now moved to his computer and it looks like he's editing. "thank you Amy!" he says and he smiles at me. "I'm going to go to my room now, thank you for letting me stay in here!" I say to him smiling, god he's so beautiful. "your welcome!" he replies, smiling back at me. 

I head back to my room and I decide to do my makeup and hair. My hair was black with red chunky highlights, a bit like draculaura. I put on a full face of makeup with some big, winged eyeliner and my large fake lashes, as usual. I straightened my hair and I decided what to wear.

I put on some low rise, black baggy jeans, a studded belt and a black cropped t shirt with a rhinestone skull on the front. I decided to put my jewellery on which as a few necklaces with crosses and safety pins, some black hoop earrings and some rings. I decided to change my belly button piercing to one with a dangle cross on it which was black and red.

I headed back to johnnies room to give him his clothes back and grab my phone. I know on the door to hear a "come in!"

Johnnies pov:(NEW POV???)

Amy walked in and she looked stunning. Her jean sat perfectly on her hips and her shirt lay just above her belly button. I get out of my trance and i saw her holding my clothes she borrowed. To be honest she could have kept them, she looked low key hot in them. what the fuck am I saying? "I'm here to return your clothes and grab my phone!" she smiles at me. god she's beautiful. "yeah that's fine you can just put the clothes on the bed. she places them down and grabs her phone. she starts to leave but she turns around. 

"Oh year Tara is coming in" she pauses and checks her phone. "5 minutes ish now, Jake told me earlier." she smiles at me "okay thank you!" I return the smile as she walks out. My eyes are glued to her until she leaves the room. God do I like her? no I cant do I barely know her... I mean, I guess I could change that.

I decided to get up and get changed and do my black eyeshadow, I couldn't be arsed to do foundation. I put black skinny jeans on with a red button up that I buttoned half way.

I heard a door open and close and Tara scream "I HERE BITCHES!" fucking hell.


A/N: THIRD CHAPTER YAY!! hope you enjoy this so far!!

word count:1059

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