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I woke up, still in Johnnies arms. My stomach growled at me, hinting for me to go get food. I grab my phone from the side. 1:00pm. Jesus. I decided to crawl out of Johnnies grasp as gentle as I could, careful to not wake him in which I was successful. As I walk down the stairs, I hear talking in the kitchen, who I'm guessing is Tara and Jake. As I walk towards them Tara speaks up. 

"Have fun in Johnnies room last night?" She asked me as Jake raised his eyebrow at me. "Yeah I did, thank you for asking." I say as I grab some chocolate and begin to eat. However, I was distracted by footsteps and I look up to see Johnnie. I almost choked on my chocolate as I saw the deep purple marks plastered on his neck. 

My almost choking caught Tara's and Jake's attention who looked up at Johnnie. I watched as their eyes widened. Tara immediately stared at me and pipped up, " ' We haven't kissed yet' my fucking ass." She said using air quotations. I look down, smiling at the counter but before I know it, Tara was dragging me into the living room, shutting the door behind us.

"Talk. Now!" She spoke. I stayed silent though. "Go on then, because that surely wasn't your first time kissing him." I gave in and told her about how we had our first kiss on our first date and it all progressed from there. I also mentioned the night of Tara's party and the events of last night. "AHHH OH MY FUCKING GOD!" she screamed out causing me to laugh. 

Johnnies POV:

I honestly did forget to try and cover up my neck. I watched as Tara dragged Amy into the living room, probably to force an explanation out of her. "Want to explain why you look like you have been being fucking eaten?" Jake spoke as he folded his arms at me. "Nothing like that happened Jake, we were just making out. We stopped before anything else happened. I want us to be official before anything happens." I look over at him and he was now smiling. "You want to make things official?" he asked me and I nodded. "When did you decide this?" he asked me. "Last night, well, I was thinking about it since our first date but I decided I was 100% sure last night. But, I'm still gonna wait a while." I say and he nodded at me in approval. 

Our conversation was cut short when we heard a loud, "AHHH OH MY FUCKING GOD!" From who we guessed was Tara screaming and so we decided to go into the living room. 

Amy's POV:

My attention was directed to the door when it opened and Johnnie and Jake walked in. Johnnie sat down next to me and Jake next to Tara. "So what do you guys wanna do today?" Jakes asked. "Absolutely nothing. I'm tired as shit." I reply looking at Jake laughing. "In fact, I'm gonna go to sleep, bye guys." I said as i got up and left the living room. 

I wasn't actually that tired, Ijust wanted to leave the room. As I made my way to my bedroom, I paused at Johnnies. Fuck it, I'm just gonna go and chill in there, I'm sure he wont mind. I thought to myself as I entered his room. I turned out the lights and slipped under his covers. I decided to go on my phone for a while, scrolling through social media. I receive a text from Johnnie.

Johnnie<3: Do you mind if I join your nap?

You: No not at all, I'm in your room :) 

I smiled at my phone and wait for Johnnie to join me and before I know it, he's come into the room and lay down on my chest, his arms wrapped around my torso. I put m phone down and attempted to sleep. 

-Time Skip-  

I wake up to being alone in Johnnies bed. I look around the room to see if he was somewhere around but, nothing. I reach over and grab my phone to read the time. 3:10pm. I also noticed a text off Johnnie. 

Johnnie<3: Me, Jake and Tara went to film for Jake's channel, we will be back soon :) 3:00pm

Okay well, that answers the silence. I decided to go into my room and get ready because I felt like shit. I hopped into the shower, dried my hair, straightened it and did my usual makeup.

I threw on some low rise, baggy jeans ,  a studded black belt and a white tube top. I didn't put shoes on as I wasn't planning on leaving the house, I just wanted to feel confident. I threw the clothes I slept in into the laundry basket and walked downstairs. 

I thought about  what I wanted to do for a while until I finally decided. I want another tattoo. I threw on a pair of shoes and left the house and sat in my car. I pulled my phone out in order to message Johnnie.

 You: I'm going out for a bit in case you come home and I'm not there. :)

I sent the message and began to drive to the tattoo shop. I decided to get 'Born to Die' written on my collar bone in red. 

About an hour later, it was all done. I paid and left. I hopped in my car and decided to go to Health nut because I felt like being healthy. I pulled up and saw Jake's car in the parking lot. What the fuck? I shake my thoughts off and decided to walk in and head to the counter. I ordered the Tuna Avocado salad and a Strawberry lemonade. I wait for my order when I heard, "Amy?" Coming from my left. I turn around to see Tara, Jake and Johnnie in, Juicy tracksuits?

I walk over, furrowing my eyes in confusion. "what the fuck." I said when I approached them. "Were being Tara for a day." Jake said smiling at me, "What are you doing here?" He asked me. "Well, I just got a new tattoo and i got hungry so, here i am!" I say smiling as i pointed to my new tattoo. Jake nodded his head out to show that he liked the tattoo. I saw Johnnie start to speak until i heard my name get called out. "Well i better go, ill see you later?" I say and the nodded at me As I wondered what Johnnie wanted to say to me. 

I grabbed my salad and my drink and left and walked to my car. I sat down and took a sip of my drink and pulled out of the car park. It took around 15 minutes for me to arrive home and once I did, I grabbed my phone, food and my drink and entered the house. I sat down at the kitchen counter and ate.


Word count: 1165

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