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A/N: this chapter contains bullying and self harm. if you don't feel comfortable reading those sections, ill place a warning.

-Time skip to the next day- 

I wake up with a text from a group chat. 

Tara❤️: Hey guys! Decided we should make a group chat for when we make plans.

Jake: Speaking of plans, Who wants to film a 'trying Halloween candy' video today?

Johnnie<3: Yeah sure!

Tara❤️: I can't today, Filming for my own channel. Have fun though!

You: Yeah I can film today!

Jake: Okay! Be ready for 1pm.

I smile at the phone and decide to get ready. I did my usual makeup, straightened my hair and walked into my closet to grab an outfit. I figured the camera would only see my top so I threw on a leopard  print tank top that had pink bows on the straps. I also threw on a pair of low rise joggers and a pair of nike socks, just so my feet were not out and about. Ew I hate feet. 

I was ready for about 12:30 so I headed downstairs to grab some food. I put a pop tart into the toaster and waited for it to be done. I grabbed myself a pre made ice coffee from the fridge and ate my pop tart. I heard my name being called from the room they film in so I chugged my coffee and placed the plate into the sink. I walked into the room and sat down next to Johnnie. 

Jake hit record and did his intro. "I'm not sure I trust any of this candy, its probably been on the shelf since the start of the month." I said to them and they laughed. We started off with a bag of candy corn. Johnnie tried to open the bag but instead, it split straight down the middle causing the candy corn to explode everywhere. "JOHNNIE WHAT THE FUCK!" Jake screamed at Johnnie as he froze in his seat, laughing. "Your not opening anything else dude." Jake said to him, pretending to be mad.

"Ill be opening Amy's legs, though" Johnnie said before opening his mouth to eat candy corn, acting as if he didn't say anything. Fucking hell. We tried a few more until Jake turns around secretly opening something. "Okay, Amy close your eyes. This ones a secret just for you." Jake spoke. I covered my eyes with my hand and waited. "Open your mouth." I heard Johnnie say so I was guessing he was giving me the mystery food. "You can say that again." I said smirking until I opened my mouth. "Shut up." I hear Johnnie say as he laughed. I felt something enter my mouth so I opened my eyes and began chewing. It was spicy. REALLY FUCKING SPICY. "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?" I screamed at Jake while opening my mouth and fanning it with my hand. "Ghost pepper." Jake said smirking at me.

"Fucking hell, I'm going getting milk." I say standing up. I heard laughing in the room and I grabbed a full carton of milk and spat the pepper into the bin. I walked back chugging the milk and sat down next to Johnnie again. Once the tingling in my throat stopped i spoke, "I'm never trusting you again." which caused them both to laugh. We ate a few more things and me and Johnnie flirted a bit more. We said goodbye and I headed to my bedroom and chilled out for a bit watching Netflix. 

-an hour later-

Jake: Hey, I'm done editing but I wanted to let you know I kept your flirting in. If you want me to edit it out I don't mind. Johnnie doesn't mind but I want  your permission. 

You: No no I don't mind!


About 10 minutes later, Jake had uploaded the video. Jake and Johnnie went out to eat but I decided not to go. I thought about reading the comments on the video but I thought it was a bad idea. Fuck it. I'll do it. A few of them were nice but a lot of them weren't.

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