D1M: Holland Lennox

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Name: Holland Lennox

Age: 18

Sex: Male

District: One

Physical Description: With hair that shines like gold and vibrant green eyes, Holland is exactly what someone would call attractive. He stands at a tall height of 6'1", but he doesn't seem to tower over others. That would be due to his passive demeanor. He is always staring at the ground and slouched over. Just because he has a very passive and self-conscious air to him, that doesn't mean that he doesn't keep himself tidy. His hair is always perfectly styled in a swoosh to the side and he generally looks very put together.

Background: After constantly being told that he isn't good enough and that he can never be a perfect career, Holland has a deep desire to prove everyone otherwise. He wants a normal life and he wants to be looked up to.

Personality: Holland, while laid back, is the type of person who will set out a goal and will stop at nothing to achieve that goal. He is very kind and unwilling to kill anything. He would rather read books all day long then volunteer for the games. He just wants to be normal.

Weapon of Choice: He would rather use his brain than a sword or another weapon. If he had to choose something, it would be something that you need smarts to use, traps for example.

Strengths/Weaknesses: His brain is a definite strength. He can think his way through almost any problem.

He doesn't take offence often.

A weakness would be that he over thinks almost everything.

Token: A pocket size version of his favorite book.

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Reaction/Reason: He wanted to prove that he was a Career. He wanted people to forget about what he had done, and that he could hopefully continue a happy life.

Alliances: Yes (Career Pack)

Other: Mixtape

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