D4F: Rowan Reed

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Name: Rowan Reed.

Age: 18.

Sex: Female.

District: 4.

Physical Description: Rowan has light blonde hair, with brown undertones, that is an oddity in her black-haired family, which she usually ties in a braid or a messy bun / ponytail. She has pretty greenish-blue eyes with a dark outer ring, and smooth, tanned skin, free of blemishes. With average-length eyelashes and pursed coral lips, she doesn't look much different from most of her District. She's average height for her age, about 5'6, with an athletic build that's curvy in the right places. Her pearly white teeth can hurt people's eyes if the sun glints off them, and she has a birthmark in the shape of a wobbly crown (also looks like seaweed) on her right shoulder.

Background: Rowan lived the simplest of lives in District 4. Her work days were spent fishing and making nets, or at school, and her nights spent making flower crowns. But her free days spent with friends, the only two she has. Rowan's family wasn't overly rich, nor were they poor, and Rowan was content with that. Nothing remotely interesting or bad ever happened in her life, until Aidan (her boyfriend of three years) asked her out. She loves him more than anyone, rivalled only by her best friend, Theresa, and her family. When she was reaped for the Games, she was kind of scared. Theresa wanted to volunteer, but Rowan wouldn't let her. Aidan watched helplessly from the boy's section, knowing that he wouldn't be able to volunteer for her. But at least he could volunteer for the boy reaped, and protect her in the arena.

Personality: Rowan has ADHD, and can't sit still. After trying and failing with many things to calm her down, she finally discovered flower crowns. Her long, graceful fingers work deftly, and she can make a beautiful crown in seconds. It keeps her calm and relaxed, and makes those around her happy. If there's no flowers nearby, she'll braid and re-braid her hair. Rowan spends her time fishing, making nets / flower crowns, and training for the Games. She wouldn't dream of volunteering, but that doesn't mean that she wants to be unprepared. Rowan is a sweetheart, but can lock away the sensitive side of her within a protective shell if need be. She holds grudges, and is quick to anger, but also quick to forgive. She doesn't have very many friends, mainly because she's' content with the two close friends she has, one of which is also her boyfriend. It's rare to see Rowan without a warm smile on her face, unless she's angry or in a fight. She's loyal to those she loves, protective of her family, and determined to survive.

Weapon of Choice: Rowan, being in District 4, has trained with a trident her whole life. She's also used nets as a part of her daily life. But, in secret, she started practicing with Chinese Ring Daggers and became amazing with them. She can throw them perfectly (she never misses a shot, ever), and no one can get past her whirling defenses.

Strengths: She's amazing with a trident and at making knots, and even better with Chinese Ring Daggers. Her ADHD makes her more aware of her surroundings, and keeps her constantly on the move. She has very strong legs, which makes her a fast runner, and has delicate but strong fingers. She is very attuned to details and will notice things that others would ride off as unimportant. Despite the average District 4 upbringing, Rowan is superbly inquisitive, always on the hunt for knowledge - which makes her smarter than the average tribute, but nowhere near genius level. She's most at peace when she's learning and making flower crowns.

Weaknesses: Limited upper body strength; she doesn't use her arms for more than fishing, really. Rowan doesn't trust people easily, except for her boyfriend and best friend, and won't open up to many people. She tends to be rather quiet, and won't talk unless someone speaks to her first. Her quick temper - although it usually fades away quickly - can lead to grudges, and she has an amazing memory that won't let her forget about whoever did her wrong.

Token: A box filled with assorted flowers and thin vines that can be manipulated by her expert fingers. It also has a few hair ties in it, for when she runs out of flowers and feels like doing her hair.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped.

Reaction/Reason: Rowan was worried, but didn't show it. She looked confident and calm when she went up to the stage, and her voice didn't shake when she introduced herself to the world.

Alliances: If anyone is interested, PM me :) but preferably no psychopaths. Rowan doesn't want to be terrified of her ally. Her current ally is Aidan Dowey, her District partner.

Other: She spends all her spare time making flower crowns with whatever flora she can find. Making flower crowns relaxes her, and the constant movement of her fingers keeps her distracted and gets rid of some of her ADHD.

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