D7F: Avery Woodswroe

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Name: Avery Woodswroe

Age: 16

Sex: Female

District: 7

Physical Description: Avery is a medium height, slender girl. She has dark brown hair that stops at her shoulders. Her grey eyes are a very unusual, and her pale skin makes them pop. Avery is strong from cutting wood all day, and is skilled with axes. She's skinny because of poverty, but can put up a fight.

Background: Avery was born into a poor family, with her twin sister, Ivory, her older brother, Jax. Two years later, the triplets, Tristan, Gia, and Oak were born. The family of 8 struggled daily, wether It be with money or food. That is, until her cousin, Barke, won the games two years ago. The family was rescued by his money, and for the first time ever, were guaranteed 3 meals a day, 7 days a week. The Woodswroe family was happy, until Barke was proclaimed dead. A suicide. He had finally cracked under all the pressure of being a Victor, and given in. Avery mourns him often, remembering the cousin who saved her family.
Now, they live in a moderately big house, and have access to food and water, all the time. But that doesn't stop Avery from working. Every morning, she's up at 4:30, and in the woods by 5:00. She hacks away at wood for 3 hours, until school starts at 8:00. After school, she returns to the woods until 6:00, and eats dinner. Avery then usually hangs out with friends until 10:00, then read until 11:00. She's normally asleep by 11:30.

Personality: Avery has a bright, bubbly personality when you get to know her, but she puts on a mask of coldness when greeted by strangers. She's happy around her friends and family, while on guard when with fellow workers, peers, teachers, and anyone unfamiliar. Once Barke died, Avery fell into a depressed state, missing the cousin who she looked up too. But Ivory managed to make Avery herself again. Until Lilly, her best friend, was Reaped the year after Barke's victory. Lilly was 14, with no alliance. But she was a contender. Lilly got a high score, a 9, the Capitol loved her, and she excelled in training. As she was running for a dagger in the Bloodbath, the vicious girl from 5 ripped it from Lilly's hands and brutally slaughtered her. Avery then became more depressed, not eating, not sleeping, skipping school, and only sitting in the woods for hours, doing nothing. She's become happier, Ivory got her first boyfriend and Jax is getting married, but this time, nothing can save her from herself.

Weapon of Choice: Throwing Axes, and Daggers/Knives (Avery can use many long range weapons, but these are her favorites)

Strengths: All the time she's spent in the woods made her strong, so she's good in hand-to-hand. She can also climb well, and is a good swimmer.

Weaknesses: Avery's biggest weakness is definitely herself. She's very hard on herself, and is scared of losing loved ones, like Barke and Lilly. Avery is also terrified of dogs.

Token: Avery's token is similar to Barke's, it's an old leather bracelet with a piece of bronze in the center. On the bronze, it says "I am Made of Broken Memories".

Reaped/Volunteered: Avery Volunteered.

Reaction/Reason: She Volunteered for a random 14 year old, after remembering Lilly being Reaped. That 14 year old just so happened to be Lilly's sister.

Alliances: Avery is looking for an alliance, specifically the Careers or another strong alliance. Just no alliance with the girl from 5.

Other: mixtape

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