D11M: Trolly Wu

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Name: Trolly Wu

Age: 18

Sex: Male

District: 11

Physical Description: Chocolate skin. Shaved head with light blue eyes. His nose is super big and he has a beard going on. He is attractive and has muscles. He is like Cato but bigger and better!!

Background: Trolly grew up well fed. That's why he's so big. He was the smartest in his whole school, like a person from 3. He took care of his mother which has cancer and his little sister Ameliah. Ameliah almost starved so Trolly worked day and night and still managed school. His birthday is August 3rd.

Personality: He is a gentle giant. He can't ever hurt kids because they reminded him of Ameliah. He is a gentleman growing up because of women in his life.

Weapon of Choice: His own fists.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Strengths...huge and very strong. Weaknesses...can't hide and isn't good with navigation.

Token: One of Ameliah's socks

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Reaction/Reason: He wanted to get Ameliah and his mom out of the slumps. He hopes to cure his mother of cancer.

Alliances: Yes

Other: He will protect the little kids. Like Thresh and Rue.


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