D6F: Majory Redrail

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Name: Marjory Redrail (Maw-Joe-ree Red-Ray-ill)

Age: 17

Sex: Female

District: 6

Physical Description: Average height and athletic build. She has toned arms and legs from learning boxing since she was small. Golden brown skin. Round hazel eyes. Small face with near constant dark circles under eyes from disrupted sleep.
Marjory doesn't stand out from the other girls her age in her district in many aspects. Though she is considered quite pretty, the fact she doesn't smile often makes her less attractive to most.

Background: District 6 is the highest populated district in Panem and to combat any anti social behaviour, the population is monitored and policed to the extreme. Because of the constant tension surrounding this, Morphling addictions is at an all time high. Marjory's family was no exception.
With a father shot dead in a minor riot by peacekeepers, her mother trapped herself in an endless cycle of abusing medication. Marjory was raised by her older brother Celson. Not as poor as some families, her brother still struggled to put food on the table. She can't remember a time when she had gone without the necessities, but realises that it was due to Celson's hard work that she didn't die.

Personality: She is quiet and dedicated to not being noticed by those who may hurt her. After watching so many people suffering around her, Marjory doesn't want to be one of them.
Free spirit. Headstrong and stubborn. She wishes she was kind and brave like her brother.

Weapon of Choice: A knive or something used in close combat

Strengths: Her brother, worried for her safety from men, trained her in basic self defence to fight off any unwanted attention.
She also runs as often as she can, so she is a strong competitor in speed.

Weaknesses: She struggles with trusting anyone and is very distrustful at first which stops her from gaining alliance.
She is not formally trained in any weapon.

Token: A scrap of fabric that she tied as a marker while running. It reminds her of how hard she has worked to feel free.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Reaction/Reason: When her name was called she tried to run away as fast as she could, but was caught quickly.

Alliances: She would be willing to be allied with one or two people

Other: mixtape

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