Steven Stone and ash sick day

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Steven Stone forget his coat and got sick from it

Ash: Steven are you ok

Steven Stone: ash I'm ok just let me rest after we get back to the hotel

Ash: ok but you don't look good to be walking back to the hotel let me call diathia to drive you back to the hotel

Steven Stone: ash I'm ok just not feeling well Don't bug diathia she is sleeping but if you want to call her

Ash call diathia but Steven Steven Stone fall down and was in lot of pain and blocked out diathia coming to get both of them and Steven was not feeling well to talk after wake up

Diathia: Ash I'm glad you called me I started to get worried caz I saw Steven coat still on the bed

Ash: your welcome Diathia

Steven feeling like vomiting after they got back to the hotel

Alain: Steven just rest you need to

Steven: I will Alain just please tell your sis Mairin to not be loud

Alain left the room and let Steven rest and tell Mairin to not be loud Ash feel lightheaded caz he heard Mairin yelling but Steven doesn't hear it

Alain: Ash are you ok

Ash: I'm ok just was trying to watch something but Mairin yelling

Alain: sorry I will go talk to her but are you feeling ok caz you look lightheaded

Ash: I'm ok just lightheaded but I'm thinking about trying to sleep and ok

Alain hug Ash and when to talk to Mairin Ash feel bad for worrying Alain Steven Stone feeling better after a few hours Steven still not feeling full better caz he had a allergy to some food Ash feel sick after his lightheaded got worse Steven find out Steven worried Alain hug Ash easy caz ash  don't feel good Steven let Ash after giving him meds Steven got better before Ash and Ash got. Better after 8 weeks of rest

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