After Lance got better team rocket poisoning the food ash was eating when Alain and Lance was in the same room
Lance: why would you dad push you like that Ash
Ash: I have not idea
Alain: that wrong of him
Lance: Alain is right
( Ash ate the food without knowing it was poison)
Alain: Ash what wrong
Lance: ash
Alain: did Ash just
Lance: yea Ash did I will get hold of Clair you and Cynthia go after team rocket
Alain: ok
( Alain and Cynthia when after team rocket)
Clair: so he running the bathroom Lance
Lance: yea the food was poison so I'm going to check on ash
( In the hotel bathroom)
Ash: ( throw up)
Lance: Ash are you feeling ok
Ash: ( lay on Lance arm ) no I'm not feeling well
Lance: you should rest Ash
( Ash lay on Lance and Lance just let Ash lay on his arm and Ash falls asleep on Lance)
Lance: ( he got Ash out of the bathroom when ash was sleeping on him)
Clair: so it bad was it
Lance: yea
( Both Clair and Lance was very worried about Ash)
Clair: let play a game why Ash is rest in bed
Lance: ok
( A hour a pass Ash woke up)
Lance: Ash are you feeling any better
Ash: still feeling a bit sick from the poison food
Lance: get better Ash
( Lance give Ash some vanilla pudding)
Ash fall off of the bed but Lance got Ash caz Ash still sick but feeling week Lance and Clair take Ash to the hospital and the hospital doc give Ash Some IV give him vitamins and minerale Lance say with Ash
Ash: I'm sorry I worry you
Clair: Ash is not your fault
Lance: Ash it happened just don't worry about it
Back at the hotel
( After Ash Throw up again from the poison)
Lance: might you should rest Ash
Ash: I have a hard time sleeping
Lance: I'm here for you ash right here for you
( ash blocked out on Lance arm Lance put a cold cloth on Ash Head )
Later Ash woke up feeling gross again and Throwing up on the bed and try to blame himself for what happened
Lance: take Easy Ash don't blame yourself for what team rocket did plus it happened when you threw up when your sick is not your fault at all ( hug Ash)
Clair and Lance give Ash medicine to help him and let him rest when Ash was pale when he was sick after get poison
Lance: you don't have to sleep just resting your head on my arm and let your body rest and take easy
( Hours later)
Lance was hug when Ash throw up and Ash didn't feel like getting out of bed to go to the bathroom to throw up more
Lance: are you ok Ash
Ash: no not really ( feeling like he going to throwing up more)
( Lance had Clair clean up the mess Lance help Ash to the bathroom and Ash Throw up more then Lance helped Ash get cleaned up and back in bed and Lance hug Ash again)
( Clair when to talk to Cynthia caz Alain and Cynthia are back)
Lance: hey Alain
Alain: me and Cynthia found team rocket HQ and Ash when you get better Me you Lance and Cynthia will help you get your trader dad in jail
Ash: ok ( tried)
Lance: sounds good
Alain: Ash like Lance I care about you just rest I hope you feeling better soon
Pokemon masters journey book 2
Fanficthing backfire a bit how would ash hold it now or will he still be scared of them dose Ash friends know that ash's dad is a trader