camping in galar pt 2

14 1 3

The next day everyone is feeling better and Raihan is Fine they go hiking when Goh Fall and got hurt

Raihan: Goh are you ok

Goh: yea I'm ok

Chloe: I'm glad you ok

Ash: ( in his mind) I hope things are better in Shinnoh now that team rocket in jail

Leon: Ash is something wrong

Ash: no

( Raihan help Goh up)

Raihan: ( help Goh up )

Goh: ( got up) thank Raihan

Raihan: your welcome

Goh: Ash

Ash: im fine

Goh:  ok Ash

Chole: Goh is Ash really ok

Goh: yea

Chole: ok

Goh: are you worried

Chole: a little bit

Ash: ( in his mind) don't stress out not stress out caz I will have a panic attack that would not be good

Chole: Ash  are you ok  ( tap on Ash)

Ash: yea I'm fine

Chole: ok caz I called you name and you don't answer

Ash: sorry about that

Goh: same happened did it

Ash: you too promise not to tell anyone about it tell it happened

Goh: yea we promise

Chole: we promise

Ash: well If I get to stressed out I can have a panic attack or worse

Goh: that why you said say it after it happened

Ash: yea caz there no way of stop it before it starts

Goh: ok

Chole: ok

( Day 2 of camping trip is done tomorrow is day 3 of it )

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