Volkner take care of Raichu but Volkner got sick himself

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Volkner eat something when he was half asleep caz he was taking care of his Raichu caz his Raichu had a stomach ache and Volkner was half wake when he ate something that made his stomach upset and Volkner stomach feel bad after Volkner ate something ate super big chocolate so much that Volkner stomach feels bad that it upset him

Ash: Volkner are you feeling ok caz you don't look like you feeling ok you looking so sick

Volkner: Ash I'm not feeling well can you let me rest I feeling to sick to say anything

(Ash hug Volkner and Volkner hug Ash)

Ash: I'm sorry for bug you I will let you rest ( try to walk away)

Volkner ( stop ash ) you not bug me

Ash feeling bad for bug Volkner and Volkner know ash was blaming himself

Volkner: Ash I'm ok don't worry

Ash: I'm sorry Volkner ( hid that he stressed out caz of his panic attack)

Volkner: is ok just don't blame yourself

( it takes Volkner a few days to get better and Ash bad stress out Volkner know someone stressed ash out )

Volkner: Ash are you feeling ok caz you look stressed out

Ash: I'm ok

Volkner: ash I'm glad your ok but are you feeling good ( hug Ash)

Ash: ( hug Volkner back) I'm ok just got sick that all

Volkner: Ash is ok don't blame yourself for worrying me

Volkner worried caz Ash feeling like vomiting after talking caz how bad he stressed out Volkner give Ash something to calm ash stomach down and Ash feels bad for what happened

Volkner: ( hug ash) Ash is not your fault your not feeling well from being stressed out

Ash vomit

Volkner: ash is ok but you should rest your not looking good but it happen when you're sick but first take a bath 🚿

Ash: ok I will rest after the bath

Ash take a bath to get cleaned up and dry off put new clothes on and Volkner clean the bed and clean up him then help ash to bed to rest and ash rest it takes ash a few days to get better after a few days Ash was feeling better

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