Lance sick day

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Lance have a stomach bug and he got sick and Ash knows

Ash : Lance are you ok

Lance: Ash I'm ok

( Ash hug Lance and Lance hug Ash and Lance take medicine and lay down caz his stomach upset)

Ash: Lance take medicine to help you and you should rest

So Lance lay down on the couch Ash feel Lance forehead and Lance had a fever Lance feel Ash hand on his head and ash moved his hand off Lance and Lance stop Ash from moving his hand

Lance: Ash I'm ok just let me rest then I will be fine

( Ash just hug Lance and Lance hug back but was rest after Ash let go of the hug Ash got sick from not sleeping well but don't tell Lance and Lance find out caz Ash looking pale when Lance to hug him ash feel lighthead from not Sleeping well )

Lance: Ash are you not feeling well enough from not sleeping well

Ash: I'm ok but your right

Lance: Ash you should rest don't worry about worry me

Ash: ok but you should been rest Lance

( Lance just hug Ash)

Lance: Ash I will rest but I don't want to see you in pain

( Ash hug back and rest Lance feel better after 6 days Ash got better after 8 days Lance glad Ash was better)

Lance: Ash I'm glad your feeling better

( Ash hug Lance and Lance hug back)

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