Last pt of the tag team tournament and tournaments

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Ash and Alain

Cynthia and Wallace

Steven stone and Diantha

Lance and Volkner

Ash and Alain vs Cynthia and Wallace

Alain: I'm feeling better now Ash

Ash: ok I'm glad

Cynthia: ok then

Wallace: yea Cynthia

( Ash and Alain win again)

Ash and Alain vs Diantha and Steven

Steven stone: I'm not feeling good Diantha

Diantha: are you sure you ok to battle

Ash: Alain you are already

Alain: yea

( Ash and Alain win again)

Ash and Alain vs Lance and Volkner

Ash: ( in his mind) I'm ok

Alain: Ash are you feeling ok

Ash: yea

Lance: ( in his mind) Volkner stomach upset him

Volkner: ( in his mind) I'm ok my stomach hurts

Lance: Volkner are you feeling better

Volkner:  I'm ok now just my stomach upset

Lance: ok

( Ash and Alain and Lance and Volkner the battle in a tie both Pokemon when down)

Lance:  Volkner are you feeling ok caz you vomit

Volkner: im ok

All tournaments are done and they when to go out to a restaurant on 4 of July and they was having fun and Volkner stomach it fine now but things don't go to well middle of the night at the restaurant something happened

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