Hilbert ate to much he ate to much cake it was bad Hilbert was alone when it happened Ash fine out he met Hilbert on his journey Hilbert not feeling well when they met
ash: what wrong
Herbert: I'm not feeling well ( he just sick and lot in pain)
Ash: you should rest
Herbert: ok
Herbert when to rest after Ash hug him and Hilbert hug back Ash worried and ash feel bad for worrying what happened to him ash want to know who did it to him Ash mad ash go after the person who it ash get injured from team star from there Pokemon caz push ash and ash feel the pain in his arm ash feel like blocked out ash blocked out ash feel sick after blocked out n find out and n worried and n get cilan Ash not feeling well to move cilan hug Ash
Cilan: ash are you feeling ok
Ash: I'm ok but I don't know what happened
Cilan: Ash you got hurt and blocked out
Ash lay his head on cilan arm and cilan hug Ash and let Ash sleep
N: ash will be fine
Cilan: I know
Ash feel bad for worrying them cilan try to calm down Ash and Ash feel sick after moving to much cilan hug Ash and move a little bit for ash to get up so cilan can help him out and Pikachu worried and ash feel not good to talk so he just wants to rest
Cilan: Ash I'm worried caz I care
Ash feel dizzy
N: ash are you feeling ok caz you look pale
Ash: I'm ok just got a headache from getting dizzy
N: ash you should rest
Ash go to sleep on cilan arm and cilan have ash sleep on his arm caz ash don't feel good to move out of the bed Ash feel bad for worrying cilan and cilan hug
Cilan: Ash I'm worried caz I care about you same as n he cares about his friends
Ash not feeling well to talk but he talked anyway
Ash: I'm ok don't worry
Cilan: Ash don't want you to lose your voice just rest
Ash: I'm sorry for worrying you
Cilan: Ash just rest
Ash just rest after n hug cilan and ash but hibert got better after 3 weeks Hilbert knows Ash had a panic attack earlier that Day they met Hilbert worried about Ash and Ash lost his voice from talking earlier cilan know Ash was that bad cilan worried Ash vomited cilan give Ash medicine to help him but Ash take medicine but put his head down again
N: Hilbert I heard about you not being ok are you feeling better now
Hilbert: I'm feeling better but I'm guessing Ash told you about me
N: Ash told me you would not feeling well that all he said
Ash feel better after 7 weeks of rest and got his voice back after 8 weeks cilan and n and Hilbert glad Ash was better
Cilan: Ash I'm glad you better
Ash: sorry for worrying you
Cilan: is ok
They all hug
Pokemon masters journey book 2
Fanfictionthing backfire a bit how would ash hold it now or will he still be scared of them dose Ash friends know that ash's dad is a trader