(food challenge with red and blue) summer chapter

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( red and blue and Ash sick day)

Red and blue eat to much they doing a food challenge with Ash and red stomach upset him very bad but the food challenge was going for 5 months Ash feel like blocked out after 5 months for the food challenge red stomach upset him after 5 months but was worried about Ash more than himself and blue was sleeping caz he was not feeling well after 5 months red stomach bursting when he was hug Ash caz Ash blocked out blue stay sleep caz he was sick red stomach bursting again but lot that green oak call a doctor to get red check out

ash : red I'm ok but you should rest caz you look like you are  very sick and I'm in a lot of pain

Red: Ash you should rest you not so good to

Ash: ulnce red did your stomach bursting caz you look not very good you should rest

Red: Ash my stomach bursting caz I ate to much but you should rest I will rest to

Ash in Pain caz he ate to much to

Red: are you feeling ok caz you look like your in pain and lot to

Ash: I'm ok just in pain that all

Red: Ash I'm worried about you let me get green oak to get you medicine

Ash: ok go ahead

Green gives ash medicine but was worried caz Ash don't feel good blue and red feeling better after 7 days but Ash take longer caz he was not sleeping well caz of the pain Ash feel red hug and ash got better after 8 weeks of rest

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