(goh and Ash sick day carnival in Kalos) summer chapter

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Goh and Ash having fun in the summer time but team star injection stuffed into goh

Ash: goh are you ok you look like you was in pain a few minutes ago

Goh: Ash I'm fine now it was just a set back earlier but if happen again we will go back to the hotel so I can rest

Alain: goh I agree with Ash and you

Ash hug goh and goh hug back

Ash and goh and Alain go to the fair and goh stomach was not feeling well but they was on up and down rides a lot Ash hug goh when they was on all the up and down rides

Goh: Ash is ok you don't need to hug me I'm fine don't worry

Ash: goh I'm hug you caz I care plus you would have done the same to me if I looked motion sickness to

Alain: Ash is right

Goh: yea I would have and I did to in the past ash

Alain: anyone would do it if they really care about the other

Team star injection lot of foods into goh stomach and up and down rides makes goh motion sickness again ash hug goh caz ash was worried caz he cares team star injection so much in goh that goh hug Ash but goh look like he was to much motion sickness to

Alain: Ash

Ash: I know

Later that day on the other up and down rides

Ash: goh are you ok caz you don't look like your fine

Goh: ( hug Ash) I'm ok just really motion sickness

Ash: (  hug back) goh I know that why I ask if you ok

Alain: Ash is right

Goh stomach  feel like bursting but it doesn't Ash got motion sickness after lot of up and down rides

Alain: ( hug Ash easy earlier to)

Goh : Ash are you ok

Ash: goh I'm ok what about you

Goh: I'm not ok let go back to the hotel caz we both not feeling well ( hug Ash)

Alain: I agree you both need to rest

They go back to the hotel and rest but goh hug Ash caz goh worried about ash and plus goh stomach bursting

Alain: goh take medicine for the pain

Goh take medicine and aspirin and Ash take medicine but ibuprofen goh get better before Ash and Ash got better after 9 weeks Ash did

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