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Mumbling, Clicking and stomping.

That's all peter could hear.

And gosh his head hurt.

** an hour earlier **

Peter waited until its late enough. Until he was sure the guy that was probably living there was asleep. Hopefully.
He was too curious and too desperate for a normal bed to think twice before he did anything but it didn't seem to bug him much at the moment.

He walked up quietly, holding his backpack close to his chest as he checks around him for any suspicious movements, letting all of his senses work as clear as possible.

He remembered where 'magic' wall was but wasn't really sure where the specific brick was.
So when he got to the wall he started to gently pushing each and every brick that was in his reach, looking for the perfect one until, he finally found it.

"Check mate" he whispered to himself as he slowly pushed it, he was ready fall the brick to fall back but instead, he found it was attached to the brick on its left, like a little door.
This guy is smart.
He pushed his hand into the empty space until he felt the door handle, pushing it down and slowly pulling it, wincing at the small creeky sounds that came out as the door moved.
When he finally opened the door enough to make space for him to qalk in, he pulled the brick back to its place and stepped in to the place.

After Peter closed the door, it was pitch black.

His senses were all over the place.
And he'd lie if he'd say he wasn't a tiny bit scared.
God his suit could've been useful right now.
He stayed in his place, not sure what to before he took in a deep breath.

You can do it. Come on. It's just a dark room, or a hall, or maybe a club?
You've been through worse. You've been through 3 kissing booth movies.
He can do it.

Peter liked his lips and wiped his hands down on his pants, walking step by step into the darkness, feeling himself relaxing slightly when his vision got better as his eyes got used to the dark.

He walked for what felt like a minute or two until his hand, that was straight in front of him, preventing him from hitting his fave in the wall, touched what felt like a metal door. He moved his hand gently, finding a small digital plate, and as soon as he touched it, all the lights went on all at once, making peter wince and scrunch his eyes shut.

"Fucking hell-" he whispered and shook his head, forcing his eyes open to look around.

The place seemed like a base, maybe the guy makes drugs and it's his lab.
Maybe it's from a war and the guy is hiding here, being all mad and crazy.

Peter didn't like any of those ideas.

But either way, it's gonna be hard to get in.

The small digital plate was shining in bright green, letting him know he needs a finger print to get in or at least a password.

Fuck his life.

Peter licked his lips and scratched the back of his head, dropping down to his knees and putting his bag in front of him.
There must be something there to help him get in.

But as soon as peter touched the zipper.

He felt a sharp pain in his head and everything went black.

** now **

"Why the FUCK didn't you check yourself J" jojo said and looked at Josh, who was looking like he just was to run into the wall and die. Like he should.
You were pissed.  You were mad. Your were furious.

THE RED WIDOW// peter parker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now