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"Y/n come ooooon." Lily's whining filled the room, making you roll your eyes slightly and zip Lily's backpack close.

"You, Tommy, sam and jojo can go wait outside with Aiden and Caleb. We will be out in five, i still need to cuff up peter." You nudged her gently and handed her the pink bag you were holding, patting the back of her head to push her carefully forward, hearing her scream in response before running off to Sam.

Peter, who was tying up his boots and laughing lightly with Noah, looked at you for a moment, seeing how you handled the young girl with such softness that was almost unusual to what he sees of you. He stopped his moves for a fraction of a second, staring at you.
"Hey, Petey boy-" Noah's voice made Peter move his eyes away from you just as quickly from when he looked at you. "Don't do that to yourself"

Peter half understood what Noah was referring to but decided to play completely dumb for his own sake "what- I don't understand what you're talking about"

Noah smirked lightly and sat down next to him, nudging his head towards you "Josh once tried to make a move, when he first got here. He and his cocky ass got rejected so hard he ended up with a black eye," Peter wasn't surprised someone made a move, he was just so shocked to see that Josh was still here and alive "I know her little sexy hips make you go hubba hubba but don't even think about it." Noah leaned to whisper in Peter's ear before getting up to walk behind you now, mouthing "witch!" And "robot!" At peter.

A soft smile grew on Peter's lips as Noah walked away.
He didn't have the chance to justify or explain himself to Noah, not that he had a great excuse for gawking at you, but he knew that Noah was the only one who would support his delusions (not that he had any. Pfft)

"Pretty boy, arms up and forward" you held two silver bracelets, one in each hand. When Peter did as you told, you closed each bracelet on his wrists, looking up at him as he slowly stood up "any wrong move, if you go past 7 feet away from one of us, it will start to send vibrations to your body, the further you go, the harder the vibrations will get. After 5 minutes you'll be temporarily paralyzed," you explained to him, your tone is casual like you're explaining to him how to make scramble eggs. Peter licked his lips and closed his fists, nodding lightly "as long as you'll act right, you'll be all good."

"Yes ma'am"

"WHEN YOU WAKE UP NEXT TO HIM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT-" Noah was basically screaming the lyrics at this point, but no one cared at all.
The opposite.

"WITH YOUR HEAD IN YOUR HANDS, YOURE NOTHING MORE THAN HIS WIFE." Sam joined his singing, doing as the songs says and drops her head to her hands dramatically.

They were all in the van now, on the way to the shelter from the mall.
You let Noah be in charge of the music this time, letting him have his fun since he helped so much with the kids lately.

"And when you think about me, all of those years ago," jojo finished Sam after she pocked her side, happy to see her girlfriend happy.

"YOURE STANDING FACE TO FACE WITH- SING IT LILY" Noah yelled again, handing Lily his imaginary microphone, that she took it happily.

"I TOLD YOU SO!" She was obviously off beat, and no one except Noah knew how to sing, but everyone were more than happy to participate.
Even peter, who was singing to himself with a soft smile that never left his lips since he got in the car.

"Chappel roan is so hot oh my God" noah sighed and fell back on his chair "I would be so straight for her"

Peter could swear he saw you smilig lightly at Noah's stupidity, staying quiet as you drive.
To be honest, he felt like those drives were going to be his favorite thing.
And he made it his mission to make you smile.

THE RED WIDOW// peter parker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now