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The days went fast, and before you noticed, it was choice making day.

Everyone was in the kitchen, eating cereal and pancakes for a late breakfast while you were checking last Facebook pages related to peter.
Yesterday, you sat with him all day.
He told you about his hightschool and how he was bullied but a guy who called himself 'flash', which you refused to believe a guy who gave himself his own nickname is in a position to bully anyone. He told you about he best friends, Ned and MJ, and about his complicated relationship with her, about how she came out to him just a while before he had to leave home.
He told you about his parents and how they suddenly died in plane crash and how he stayed with his uncle and aunt.
He told you about the time his uncle Ben died and how he blamed himself.
He told you about his aunt May and how she's rhe sweetest person on earth and how hard Ben's death was on her.

And to be honest, it helped peter a lot.
He didn't really had the time to think about the whole MJ situation, and it felt good to talk about it. Even I'd he didn't really need to. And you were a good listener. Peter could tell you weren't there to judge him just to see if he's trustworthy enough.
And peter liked to believe he did a good job. He could sew you were less aggressive and threatened him way less. You started to sit when you were in the room with him, which was a weird thing to notice, but he did. You stopped holding your gun and held a knife instead, which peter liked to think as a good progress for a day and a half.

"Everyone wants me to decide about you today," you started. It was already noon, and peter just finished eating. He looked up at you from the floor and titled his head, confused why you're letting him know. "You see, that's how the rest joined me in this place. Sneaked in, passed out from drugs or alcohol. They say everything deserves a chance" you sighed lightly and turned to meet his eyes "do you agree with them?"

Peter let himself take some time to think about it.
Peter had a heart of gold. He was the sweetest person and always tried to think the best of people. He gave a lot of people a second chance. Even he and MJ weren't the best buds at first.
But he tried to think about it from your point of view. From his three days here he could see you're in charge here, you're like everyone's very scary mother. He tried to think of giving a second chance to someone who could probably harm his family.
"If I'm being honest, no. Not everyone deserves a second chance. Some do but not all."

Peter could see you liked his answer.
You figured if he's just wants to stay alive he would rush to say yes, to say he agrees but you enjoyed seeing him mind working and making up an answer.

You answered with a simple hm before leaving him in the room.

Lily was in the kitchen, crazy hair and her staple overalls, arguing with Josh about what you assumed was girls.
You cleared your throat and crossed your arms over your chest, standing next to the couch.
"Who's gonna clean up the extra room?"

Everyone clapped and cheered, yelling a few yay and wahoo in response while Aiden and lily looked completely lost.

"Kids get here" you nudge your head towards the couch and sat down on the coffee table, waiting for them while they jumped on the couch.
"We're going to have a new friend joining us, his name is Peter. Hopefully he's not a bad guy and if he is I'll make sure he doesn't even look like a guy anymore," you started, getting a small shocked nod from Aiden and claps from lily who was not so surprisingly happy about the thought of killing bad guys "do you have any questions?"

"Is he our age? Can he be our friend?" Lily quickly asked, giving you big hopeful eyes that made your heart a little sore when you shook your head.
"Head my age lil"
You turned your head and looked at Aiden, waiting for him patiently to ask something. And when he didn't, a memory popped into your head "I think he really likes star wars Aiden, i found a picture of him and his friend dressed as Anakin" and like you predicted, a small shy smile spread on Aidens face, he leanded back a bit, happy to hear about he fellow nerd thats soon to join him.


It's six pm now, and since you've announced the new addition everyone worked on making him feel like home.
Tommy washed the floor, caleb and lily were on sheets, Josh and Noah were on moving the extra bed from Noah's room to the empty one who was Peter's now, jojo plugged in the hidden camera that's going to be there for a couple of days just to make sure and sam and Aiden were on decorating the room.

Everyone helped and did such a great job in making the room come back to life.
He better be worth it.

Tommy and Noah even had the time to make a small welcome cake while the rest settled in in the living room.

While the were gossiping, you walked into the training room, holding a thick metal bracelet in your right hand.
"Get up" you said calmly putting your hand forward "give me your hand"

Peter quickly pushed himself up from the floor, stopping the push ups he did and placed the chain in your hand.
His eyes opened wide when he saw you locking another metal around his hand and unlocking the cuffs, shoving them into the back of your jeans.
Are you letting him out? Can he finally go and start his mission? Is he free now?

"Let's go meet the rest and I'll explain what you got yourself into"

So he's not going out.
Fuck his life.

Peter rubbed hus wrists and fixed his shirt, walking behind you carefully to what he remembered as the living room, surprised to see everyone sitting there. And two kids.
Before he even fully got there he was sweetly greeted by everyone, making him wonder what made them change from last night's attitude.
Peter instantly felt a warm feeling wrapping around his heart, making him smile back at the group and wave slightly.
You were in front of everyone, picking up a chair before putting it next to you, signing him to sit there.

"You have a room here peter, so consider this your new home. You don't have to worry about sleeping in the street anymore or worry about how you'll survive the day without food. We'll give you a roof, hot shower, fresh food and protection. Along with a promise to keep your aunt and two friends safe," you said as you walked to sit on the arm of the couch in front of him. No one was talking now, they knew they'd have the time to attack him later but your rules are more important.
"My rules are simple. You will do as I say, no matter what. No matter what or when you'll come when I call you. Whatever happens here, stays here. Unfortunately you won't be able to meet your friends again but I hope you'll find new ones here. No disrespecting anyone, no arguing, no fighting. You got here fast and you have to prove yourself to me and to them."

Peter listened closely, swallowing thickly as he thinks of what the fuck he can do in this situation.
He can't run away, he can't push the button on his watch to call for help because by then he'll be probably dead and the rest won't be here. And the sight of the two kids didn't help the situation.

"It's your time to introduce yourself now" your voice cut Peter's thoughts short.

He cleared his throat and smile softly "hi everyone my- uhm I'm peter parker but I'm assuming you know that. I'm 19 and I'm from Queens," Peter stopped for a second to think of what else to say when he noticed the little kid's shirt "I really like Star wars and I'm kinda good at science. And that's it I think" he nodded.
Nailed it.

And then the rest did the same. The blode guy was Josh, who liked chicks (??) And he claimed to be the coolest one here, then Noah who was the one who designed most of their clothes and the shirt peter currently wore, then caleb who seemed to be the calmest one from the small group of boys, then Tommy who let peter know was the doctor of the house so if he needs anything he can come straight to her and peter assumed also Caleb's girlfriend, then Sam the one who sew the clothes Noah designed and jojo her girlfriend who called herself 'tech girl'. And lastly the twins, lily who was jumping up from her seat to show peter her shoes and took her time in expressing her passion about the color pink and how 'all of her stuff and even her eyeballs were pink' and lastly Aiden who was very shy and said his names softly and nothing more.
He also learned that Josh was shockingly the oldest and 21, and the rest were also around 19-18 like he was. And the kids, that now he knows are twins, are 9 and a half.

God they're all so young.

"I'm y/l, I'm in charge here. Anything you need or if anything happens it goes through me first." You said, raising up your chin slightly "you may also know me, as what the news chanel likes to call me 'the ghost'."

Holy fucking shit.
Peter didn't need to leave or run away to do his mission.
This was his mission.

Holy fucking shit.

THE RED WIDOW// peter parker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now