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If peter thought he was confused before, he sure is now.

Since the talk with Tommy, peter couldn't help but look at everyone differently.
He was surprised how strong they were. Truly.
He figured they all had a pretty shitty life to get to this point but his mind never bothered to go into details. He knew that if he'd know too much it would get harder and harder for him to put them in and finish his mission.

He saw you all coming back from a real mission for the first time. He saw how you spread all the cash and valuables one the floor, separating them and counting them in a way peter didn't understand yet.
He also noticed no one got injured except you. Well, and Noah who had a sprained ankle.
He saw Tommy slowly stiching the small cut he recognized from a bullet. He saw how the twins kept jumping around everyone in excitement, already knowing what the next step is.

Peter didn't see the gang as dangerous animals who terrorized New York anymore. He saw you as a bunch of kids who had a fucked up life and handled it in a wrong way because they didn't have anyone to save them.
Until they met you.

Peter was in the training room now, like everyday for the past month. He grew to love it.
He knew how to shoot three types of guns, he learned how to fight, actually fight without any extras that his spidey suit gives him.

Of course, waking up at 6am wasn't the best.
But he got to spend his time with you.
For mission purposes only. Of course.
Not like he was mesmerized by you. Pfft.

"Heads up parker. Don't drop your eyes to the floor you're not looking for your brain down there" you said sharply before waisting no time to throw a leg under his legs to knock him off his feet.
Surprisingly peter fell forward and rolled on the floor before grabbing your thigh, pulling you down with him. Even though you were surprised you didn't let him get a reaction out of you, and instead you rolled on top of him, pressing a knee to his neck while pulling his arms up, choking him slightly.

Peter's eyes grew wide and he tapped your thigh slightly, gasping out small words to get your attention to stop.
He could swear he saw a small smile on your lips when you drop him down and stood up effortlessly, offering to help him get up.
"I think it's the first time I caught you unprepared" Peter said proudly, flashing you a grin and he almost jumped up from the floor.

"I'm never unprepared. I'm glad you worked on your techniques parker. I see training with Berry helped" you nodded lightly and crossed your arms over your chest.
You were glad. Peter was blending in very quickly and you could see he's actually trying. Sometimes just to impress you. Kissass.
"We need to talk."

Peter almost peed his pants.
Yes. He was used to you saying that out of nowhere. But no he's never gonna stop getting scared around you.
He cleared his throat after his smile died and nodded quickly, wiping his forehead with his shirt quickly.

"I'm assuming you talked to Tommy. I have full control on what going on in my house, and I saw she told you about how the rest got here." Peter noticed your raised eyebrow and his brain already started thinking about millions of excuses. "She told me you were very understanding and I could see your behavior did not change towards them. I appreciate that. I will not tolerate pity or judgment here."

He was too shocked to speak. So he just nodded lightly "of course"

"Now, you've showed us you deserve our trust, according to the rest. I trust my people but they tend to have a mushy heart for pretty boys so I will test that myself. I do agree and will say I can see you've been trying hard, so, you've earned the right to join us tomorrow at the shelter. After every big mission we go and take 70% of the money and worth we buy toys, clothes and food for the people who didn't get lucky. We'll start at the mall, the homeless shelter and then the orphanage. Everyone already got their own group of kids assigned to then so you will pair up with me."

THE RED WIDOW// peter parker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now