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It's been a while since you went out to sell.
With the whole peter breaking in situation, you didn't even had the time to make your capsules.
Thankfully, you put enough money on the side to keep everyone's stomach full and happy.

But tonight, you had to go out again. You couldn't stay in for another second, you needed the adrenaline, the fresh air,
You needed to hurt some dickheads.

You just finished tightening the belt against your thigh, making sure that the bag is secured, when you heard a noise that made your head lift up only to see peter. "Can I help you? Is there anything you need?" You asked and looked back down to your other leg, doing the same there.

"No- sorry I just heard a noise and wondered where you're going I guess" he nodded lightly. He was in his brand new pajamas that sam just finished sewing for him, his hair still wet from the shower and a small smile with tired eyes.

You dropped your leg to the floor, taking a deep breath before looking at him "I'm going to work. I'll be back soon. Anything else?" You reached for the gun that was on the kitchen table and pushed it under your shirt between your waistband and back.

Peter was a different boy from everyone you've met.
He had a very shitty life. Eveyone did.
But in the little time he was here, you saw he was a sweetheart, and with a bug surprise liked by everyone, even jojo and Josh. He connected with Aiden, who rarely talked. He always helped around the house though you assumed it's him just wanting to make a good impression.
But no matter how tired his eyes looked, he always had a smile on his face.

"Can I come with you maybe?"
Peter knew its a wild question, but he assumed you'd be out selling drugs and he hoped he could minimize the damage by unconsciously pushing you to more quiet places with less people.

"No. I go to work by myself unless I decide otherwise. We'll have a bigger mission in a week, if you'll keep training and prove yourself, I'll think of including you in. Now good night."


Everything went pretty smoothly.
You were at a bunch of college parties, which is where you made most of your money, met a few suburbs wives and celebrities.
No shitheads to hit unfortunately, but that just means more training time.
You passed next to Bridget, the old homeless lady and gave her her usual 50 dollars you gave her once week, listening to her usual story she repeats every time, about her husband Joey that died in war and how he's an ass either way, she talked about her gay son who she loved but left away unfortunately.
You loved listening to her, and you always stayed there as long as she needed.

You were back at the kitchen now, fresh out of the shower with your pajamas, looking for a beer. You definitely need groceries.
You grabbed a can of coke instead and sat down on the couch with your laptop on your lap and the can on the arm of the couch, finishing final details about your upcoming mission.

You had at least one big mission every month or so, a mission big enough to get more fabric and weapons for the next one.
This time, it was a strip club.
No, you didn't strip, but you were the main singer there, along with Noah.
Jojo and sam were your fake strippers/waitresses, Josh was a bartender and Caleb was the getaway driver. Even though you suggested peter joining in, you won't let him. Too soon and too dangerous for him and the team. He can run away or even worse, be recognized.
He'll stay home with Tommy and the twins.
You checked the song list again, putting in a new ones and deleting ones that didn't match the vibe of the mission.
You double checked the timing and contacted Romina, your girl in the club. You've met Romina on the streets and since then she's getting a fair cut whenever she helps you out with all the technical issues.

But then again, you've noticed peter walking out of his room, but this time, surprised to see you.

"Oh sorry- I didn't see you were back" he said quietly, giving you a tight smile as he stood frozen in his place.

"Yes. I'm still working. Why aren't you asleep? We have training tomorrow peter." You were direct but your voice was soft. You could feel something was off, so you closed you laptop and placed it on the coffee table in front of you, looking at him. He was still in his place, still with tired eyes. He's been here for a week and didn't seem to fix his sleep schedule. "Do you want to sit?"

Peter walked over without answering, sitting on the couch next to you and took a deep breath as he ran his hands through his hair.
He seemed bothered.

And he was. Peter missed May. He missed Ned and MJ. He missed being spiderman. He missed his old life.
It's been almost three weeks since he saw May or talked to her. It's the longest he even went without seeing her.
The people in the gang were so surprisingly sweet and friendly so it helped peter settle in, but it wasn't home, and when things got quiet and everyone went to sleep, Peter couldn't help but thinking.

You watched him quietly, crossing your legs and licking your lips "do you miss your aunt?"

Peter turned his head to you and let out an unhappy laugh and nod lightly "yeah, I do. I'm not used to not talking to her," but then, when you raised a questioning eyebrow at him he remembered his cover story and quickly continued "she was hard and sad, and I had to leave but she was like my mother, you know?"
God he hoped he didn't screw up.

"I understand. People tend to love people no matter how toxic and what they do to them. Its nature." You reassured him. Who were you to judge him. "And I understand it must be hard. But this is your life now. You have no choice but be committed"

Peter nodded again, frowning lightly as he looked at you "of course- I know of course. I'm sorry for bringing it up" he quickly stood up but you soon stopped him

"I'm here to listen. You need to control your feelings or they will control you. Why don't you tell me about your aunt. I've seen she's working in a flower shop"
You've hoped it would help him open up. That's what you did with the rest. Emotional connection with a person eould prevent betrayal and encourage loyalty.

Peter was surprised. He knew you were well loved here but he didn't think you'd listen to him yapping about his family a week into his stay.

God this mission is getting more complicated by the second.

"Yeah, she was a nurse but stopped when Ben.. well since we've lost Ben," he cleared his throat and smiled lightly when a picture of Ben popped in his head "she also volunteers at F.E.A.S.T. she's- she was like a mother to me after my parents died."

You and peter stayed up all night. Petet talked about his aunt, about his uncle and his parents.
You found yourself shocked when you had a reaction to his stories.

This is unusual.

THE RED WIDOW// peter parker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now