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"And then he ripped his pants- IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAGE" Noah barely manage to say through his crazy laugh. He was slapping his thigh so hard and almost fell off the couch, that's how you know he's lost it.
Josh, on the other hand, was annoyed.
He shook his head and rolled his eyes, huffing in annoyance at Noah.

"It wasn't my fault," he leaned and tried his best to defend his honor "Sam didn't had the time to finish sewing them! It wasn't my fault!!"

Everyone laughed softly, Peter included.

You've statyed up with peter most of the night, listening to his venting about his feelings. You could see he didn't tell everything and didn't tell certain things, but he was happy to talk.

You stayed up till morning while he went back to his room to sleep for the little while he had left.

"Who ordered sushi?" Caleb announced as he opened the door, holding four bags filled with goods. You were standing just behind him, holding the much needed groceries.

Everyone rushed in to their usual "take out routine", setting up the coffee table with plates and cups, before sitting each in his place.
While Caleb and the rest sat down to finish unpacking the food, Tommy and Aiden came over to help you with the rest, putting everything in its place before joining the rest.

"Okay so peter, since you're the new guy here, you got to tell us everything about you" Sam said just before shoving a whole sushi roll in her mouth, getting jojo's, Noah's and Tommy's nods too.

Peter, who was just finishing his own bite, flushed lightly and shot a quick look at you, remembering the late night talk. "Didn't you guys do an insanely deep background check on me?"

"Background checks are for security purposes, we just want to get to know you man" caleb shrugged lightly and stretched, moving his arms smoothly behind Tommy's shoulders, making her lean into him slightly.

Cleaning his throat, he nodded lightly and leaned back against the cabinets under the TV "what do you guys wanna know?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Lily jumped straight up, not bothering to care about the too intrusive question.

Poor peter, who was already red enough turned bright pink and laughed through his anxiety "uh- well not now obviously, but it was complicated"

He hoped it would end here.
But of course it didn't.

"What happened? You can tell us, even if it's a boyfriend then better cause I do like white chocolate" Noah wiggled his eyebrows with a cheeky smile, making peter laugh softly and Noah smile proudly in response.

"Uhm no, not boys, I've tried and it's not really my thing," Peter started and stopped when Noah groaned dramatically, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead before falling back against the couch.

An Oscar worthy performance, really.

Peter shook his head lightly and licked his lips, thinking of whether he should tell and talk about the MJ situation.
"We won't judge you peter, ever. You can trust us on that." Tommy suddenly said, reassuring peter and giving him the last push.

"I've been sort of dating one of my friends, it wasn't really dating though, more like just doing whatever we felt like it," God he wished he could go back to those times. "But, before I left the house she uhm- she told me she's gay"

A roaring laugh filled the room, everyone laughed, even you let out a small chuckle.
The thing is though, Peter didn't feel judged or embarrassed. He laughed with them too. He knew how stupid it sounds.
He was surprised when Josh moved up from the couch and sat next to him, patting his shoulder with a grin "happens to the best of us pete"

THE RED WIDOW// peter parker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now