Echoes of a troubled night

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Michi gently tucked the unicorn siblings into their beds, making sure Enzo was comfortable and cozy under the soft quilt. "Alright you two, it's time for lights out," she said softly, smoothing a hoof over Enzo's short, curly blue mane.

Aimi perked up immediately, her fluffy blue mane bouncing. "Ooh, can you tell us a story first, Michi? Pleeeease?" she begged, giving her biggest, most pleading eyes and pouting her lip.

Michi glanced over at Enzo, who was already starting to doze off, his bright orange eyes growing heavy. "I'm sorry, Aimi, but your brother is already falling asleep. We wouldn't want to wake him, would we? Maybe tomorrow night, okay?"

Aimi let out a dramatic huff, blowing her bangs out of her face, but didn't protest further. Michi turned off the bedside lamp, casting the room in a warm, gentle glow from the little nightlight by the door.

"Goodnight, you two. Sleep tight," Michi whispered, shutting the door behind her as quietly as possible.

She sighed in relief, glad to have the little ones settled and resting peacefully for the night. Michi was just starting to relax, her shoulders slumping, when suddenly a loud CRASH echoed from outside, making her jump in fright.

"What in the name of Celestia was that?!" she exclaimed, her heart racing. Michi quickly moved to the window, peering out into the darkened yard, searching for any sign of movement or the source of the noise. Had somepony or something broken into the house? Her protective instincts kicked in as she narrowed her eyes, ready to spring into action if needed.

Michi peered intently out the window, her eyes searching the darkness for any sign of the source of the loud crash. Suddenly, movement in the shadows caught her eye - a strange, slithering creature with black, slimy tentacles was attacking a small figure.

Squinting, Michi could just make out the colors of the victim - pinks and oranges, almost holographic in appearance. It was a changeling! The creature was wrapping its tentacles around the changeling's small body, covering its mouth, trying to engulf it completely.

Michi's eyes widened in alarm and her heart raced. She had to help! Without a moment's hesitation, the red pegasus threw open the front door and launched herself outside, galloping towards the scene of the attack as fast as her wings could carry her.

But before Michi could reach them, the changeling's horn suddenly ignited with a brilliant magical aura. The creature's eyes went wide as the changeling focused her energy and unleashed a powerful blast of magic, engulfing the black, slimy monster in a blinding flash of light.

The creature let out an unearthly, agonizing screech as the changeling's magic tore it apart, ripping the tentacles to shreds. In a matter of seconds, the monster dissolved into nothing, leaving the changeling lying motionless on the ground.

Michi slowed to a stop, panting heavily, as she approached the fallen changeling. But just as she reached her, the creature suddenly stirred. She - for Michi could now see it was a young female changeling - got up on shaky legs and began to quickly flee, disappearing into the night without a word or even a glance back.

"Wait!" Michi called out, but the changeling was already gone, vanishing into the shadows. The pegasus stood there, stunned, wondering what had just happened and who that mysterious creature was. She shuddered, realizing the peril the changeling had been in, and quickly returned to check on Enzo and Aimi, her mind racing with questions about the strange encounter.

Michi slowly made her way back inside the house, her mind still reeling from the strange and frightening encounter she had just witnessed. The image of that slimy, tentacled creature attacking the young changeling played over and over in her head, and she couldn't help but worry about the fate of the mysterious creature.

As she walked through the entryway, lost in her thoughts, Michi was suddenly startled by a figure appearing in the hall behind her. Whirling around, she saw Aimi there, the young unicorn levitating the sleeping form of Enzo with her magic.

"Michi, what was that?" Aimi asked, her brow furrowed with concern. "I heard a loud noise and then saw you rush outside. Is everything alright?"

Michi took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. "It's nothing, Aimi," she said, forcing a reassuring smile. "I just thought I saw something outside, but it was nothing. You two should get back to bed."

Aimi eyed her skeptically, but didn't press the issue further. "Okay..." she said slowly, turning to carry Enzo back down the hallway. "If you're sure everything's fine."

Once Aimi had disappeared from view, Michi let out a heavy sigh, her shoulders sagging. She couldn't stop thinking about that poor changeling, alone and afraid out there in the darkness. What had happened to it? Was it alright? A thousand questions swirled in her mind.

Shaking her head, Michi tried to push the thoughts aside. There was nothing she could do about it now. With another deep breath, she made her way upstairs, silently hoping the changeling had found safety, even as a sense of unease settled in the pit of her stomach.

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